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Linnavaatega TITICACA JALTAWI LODGE pakub aia, terrassi ja restoraniga majutust umbes 4,6 km kaugusel Estadio Enrique Torres Belonist. Majutusasutusest avaneb vaade merele ja mägedele. The host and his family were so welcoming and incredible. They helped us with tours and fed us the most wonderful meals. Their hospitality made us feel like a part of their family. The gues house was luxurious and beautiful. I can't recommend it enough.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
108 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 76
öö kohta

Uros Maya Lodge


Uros Maya Lodge asub 4,6 km kaugusel Estadio Enrique Torres Belonist. Kohapeal on aed, restoran ja toateenindus. Mõnel majutusruumil on einestamisnurk ja/või terrass. We loved to stay with Lea, Mario and their family. They show you everything around the Uros Islands and give you a great insight in their life. The room was very clean with a nice view. Lea made us some warm bottles for the feet because it was cold outside. We can totally recommend to stay here!!

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
108 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 87
öö kohta

Vip Flotante


Vip Flotante asub 4,6 km kaugusel Estadio Enrique Torres Belonist. Kohapeal on terrassiga majutusruumid. The view, the quiet, the charming hosts

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
229 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 91
öö kohta

Amalia Titicaca Lodge


Linnavaatega Amalia Titicaca Lodge asub Punos. Kohapeal on aed, terrass ja restoran. Privaatses vannitoas on dušš, tasuta tualetitarbed ja kõik muu vajalik. Everything was perfect! 10/10

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
167 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 193
öö kohta

Uros Lake Titicaca Lodge


Mäevaatega Uros Lake Titicaca Lodge asub Punos. Kohapeal on restoran, toateenindus, baar, aed ja terrass. WiFi-ühendus on tasuta. Igal majutusruumil on järvevaatega terrass. Very nice room with comfortable bed. We liked the blankets very much, they keep you warm during the night, of course with the help of Carlos that brings some hot bottles of water to put on your feet. The terrace and the view from the room are amazing, at sunset especially the colours of the lake are surreal. The food was also very good! Considering the kitchen they have, they made magic of it. We had a trip around the community with the host, Carlos, which we enjoyed a lot.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
124 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 99
öö kohta

Titicaca Aruntawi Lodge Peru


Titicaca Aruntawi Lodge Peru asub Punos. Külalised saavad nautida järvevaateid ja iga päev hommikusööki. Majutusasutus asub Titicaca järve ees, kesklinnast 7 km kaugusel. Eddy and his family were very attentive. It has a amazing view of the lake Titicaca

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
394 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 69
öö kohta

Uros Amaru Marka Lodge


Merevaatega Uros Amaru Marka Lodge asub Uroses ning kohapeal on restoran ja ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtt. Igal hommikul pakutakse kontinentaalset hommikusööki. Everything really exceeded our expectations at Uros Amaru Marka Lodge. Felix is a fantastic host. He picked us up when we were returning fro an overnight trip to Amantani Island so this saved us at least one hour as we did not have to go back all the way to Puno port. He picked us up at the beginning of the Uros channel by his boat. The room was super comfortable with superb beds and a great patio for relax. Felix took us on a 3-hour ride around few Uros islands, including the restaurant, museum and other points of interest. Very late check-out was not a problem. Really fantastic experience and host. Thank you Felix & your family (incl. a dog Falco - very friendly :-))

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
102 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 83
öö kohta

Uros Samaraña Uta Lodge


Päikeseterrassi ja mäevaatega Uros Samarana Uta Lodge asub Punos. Titicaca järv on 7 km kaugusel. Selle kõik hinna sees majutuse hind sisaldab hommiku-, lõuna- ja õhtusööki. Nice host, lovely places and food. Really good experience ! Thank you guys 😊

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
281 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 119
öö kohta

Titicaca Uros Summa Paqari


Uros Summa Paqari asub ujuval Urose saarel Punos, 7 km kaugusel Titicaca järvest. Puno sadam on 5 km kaugusel. Kõikides tubades on privaatne vannituba. The staff, the hospitality, the food, hot water

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
165 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 60
öö kohta

Uros Qhantany Lodge


Uros Qhantany Lodge asub 5 km kaugusel Puno rannikust ja on ehitatud Urose ujuvatele saartele. Majutusasutus paikneb Titicaca järve keskel. Puno rannik on 30-minutilise purjetamise kaugusel. Our group of 4 loved our stay at this lodge on 10/1/23! It was clean, warm and above all the staff were amazing and treated us like family. The food was delicious and so was the wine and tea. Our bed had plenty of blankets that kept us warm and the water bottles they put in your bed at night just added to the coziness. The sunset was beautiful, at dusk many birds & ducks were flying around that were entertaining to watch & listen to. We were able to take the canoe out ourselves the following morning so I could spread my sons cremains on Lake Titicaca. The morning fog rising from the lake was beautiful and the sun popped out right afterwards. I'd definitely recommend this lodge to everyone!

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
119 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 111
öö kohta

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