Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
New Busuanga
Aiaga Ocamocam Beach Martins asub Busuanga saarel New Busuanga linnas, Ocam Ocami rannast mõne sammu ja Cambaya rannast vähem kui 1 km kaugusel. Rannaäärsel majutusasutusel on rõdu ja tasuta... Very nice place, with wonderful view. Amazing trip with Jason to Black island. Everything was perfect.
El Nido
Ühise puhkeruumiga Kalinaw Stay and Café asub El Nidos. Majutusasutuses on ühisköök ja piknikuala. Kohapeal on päikeseterrass, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Very friendly and helpful host (which is not the owner). Communication in English is good.
Välisbasseini ja merevaatega La Estancia Busuanga asub Palawani piirkonnas Busuangas, Coronist 70 km kaugusel. Kuurordil on grill ja privaatne rannaala ning külalised saavad restoranis einestada. If you go to Coron, this is a must place to stay! In the middle of nowhere, you will love it! Breakfast is excellent, you can have many boat trips from the Resort (just ask to the manager and she will plan for you all the excursions you want). During the day you can go with Sup, Kayak or you can stay at the beach or at the swimming pool. During the evening sometimes there are buffet dinners at the pier, so with sea front! You can ask for massages, the ladies are great! The owners are incredible! They will spend time with you and they will tell you many details about philippines!
Mario's White House pakub konditsioneeriga majutust Langi-langibanis. Maamajal on aed ja tasuta eraparkla. Maamajas on peretoad. Igas maamajas on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja privaatne bideega vannituba.
Maamaja sihtkohas New Busuanga
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad maamaju saarel Palawan
Maamaja sihtkohas El Nido
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad maamaju saarel Palawan