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Seladah Stay asub Kuchingis, 10 km kaugusel Borneo konverentsikeskusest ja 15 km kaugusel Sarawaki staadionist. Majutusruumides on istumisnurk. Külalistemajal on tasuta eraparkla ja ühine köök. Good communication and facilities. Everything was perfect in our stay. You need a grab or taxi to go to the touristic part on the river, but it is cheap.
Aiavaatega Merdeka Guest House 2 asub Kuchingis, 5,5 km kaugusel Sarawaki staadionist ja 10 km kaugusel Borneo konverentsikeskusest. The owner is very thoughtful and sweet. He made everything easy for us to have a pleasant stay. It really felt like home. The ability to cook, do your washing, and use the bicycle are a huge plus !
Lahad Datu
Bike and Tours Bed and Breakfast asub Lahad Datus. Kohapeal on restoran ja tasuta parkla (võimaluse korral) ning tubades on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. What did we like about the property? In a nutshell, the people and the food! Tisha and Simon (and their helpers) are as friendly and hospitable as any hosts we have ever stayed with, and their home-cooked meals are off the charts. Our welcome was delightful, with warm, family greetings and delicious home-made flowery drinks under an awning. We were made to feel like a cross between VIPs and old friends. We played with the gorgeous household cats and relaxed in the quirky swimming pool until dinner. Tisha had been in touch in advance about food, and she had been incredibly solicitous about what we might want, but what she produced was remarkable. There’s not space here to go into detail, but the main dish was an extraordinary mixture of Malaysian with one surprising Italian ingredient, with a family story to accompany and explain it, made with the freshest, most aromatic ingredients from Simon’s own smallholding, complex without being fussy, and personalised to our individual tastes (eg level of spice). It was truly gourmet comfort food of the highest order, in fact as good as I’ve ever eaten. Starters and dessert were similarly fresh and home-made, and breakfast the next day - porridge oats with a range of home-made and local additions, served like a work of art - was impeccable. Our room (two big double beds with an en-suite shower room) was clean, comfortable and nicely air-conditioned and we slept well, but the reason to stay here is Tisha and Simon’s exceptional hospitality. I cannot commend it highly enough.
Kampong Patagas
5 Minutes Airport Lodge asub Kampong Patagases, 7,6 km kaugusel Filipiini turust Sabah ja 3,3 km kaugusel Põhja-Borneo raudteejaamast. Tubades on konditsioneer ja privaatne vannituba. The staff were really helpful, even offered to help me book my taxi at 2am if I struggled but luckily it was easy enough to find a grab car to get to the airport! The room was exactly as expected, basic but comfortable and clean. And the hotel was an easy 15 minute walk from the airport, just across the highway - there is a walking bridge, which I did during the day.
Kota Kinabalu
Aia, mittesuitsetajatele mõeldud tubade ja tasuta WiFi-ühendusega SPA Shalom Suites asub Kota Kinabalus, 10 km kaugusel Filipiini turust Sabah. Whole environment of the suite, Room is Very very Cosy, Clean & Comfortable, its totally beyond our expectations, Facilities are well equipped, dryer, iron, drinking water dispenser , coffee packed provided, Its All worth for money 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
DA Family Mini Garden asub Ranau linnas. Aiavaatega majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Külalistemajal on aed. Külalistemajas on peretoad. Very hearty family, took perfect care of us, drove us around for very good price and communicated very good and steady. Meals cooked by the mother were delicious. We could pet cats and dogs. It was I think the cleaniest accommodation in Sabah :) Dont hesitate to contact them even if they seem to be fully booked! They can send you more info on how to get there by bus from Kota Kinabalu.
Tasuta privaatse parkimisvõimalusega Labang Guesthouse Bario asub Sarawaki piirkonnas Barios. Külalistemajas pakutakse Aasia hommikusööki. Lähim lennujaam on Bario lennujaam, mis jääb 1 km kaugusele. All meals are included in the price even though only breakfast is mentioned
SF Homestay asub Kundasangis. Rõduga majutusasutuses on tasuta eraparkla ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Avaras külalistemajas on lameekraaniga televiisor. Majutusasutuses on suitsetamine keelatud. They provide lots of things such as mini BBQ, Portable Stove, Bath Towels, Cutlery, Rice Cooker & Boiler.
Kundasang Trail Homestay asub Kundasangis. Rõduga majutusasutuses on tasuta eraparkla ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Complete with all essential emenities & super clean. Near Kundasang town. Just a walking distance. Perfect!! Stayed for 4 nights. Feels like home.
VIRTA Guesthouse asub Sandakanis. Kohapeal on konditsioneeri ja rõduga majutusruumid. Majutusasutusel on terrass ja tasuta eraparkla. Majutusasutus pakub transporditeenust ja autorenti. Very specious house and well furnished and equipped. Landlord was very helpful and kind! Highly recommended! Close by taxi to Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary.
B&B sihtkohas Bintulu
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Borneo
B&B Kota Kinabalus
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Borneo
B&B sihtkohas Sukau
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Borneo
B&B sihtkohas Sepilok
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Borneo
B&B sihtkohas Sibu
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Borneo
B&B sihtkohas Sandakan
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Borneo
Regioonis Borneo saad broneerida 192 hommikusöögiga majutusasutust.
Muudame regioonis Borneo B&B broneerimise kiireks ja lihtsaks, pakkudes järgmist.
• Tasuta tühistamine enamikule peatumistele
• Hindade vastavusse viimise garantii
• Ööpäevaringne klienditugi enam kui 40 keeles
Regioonis Borneo reisinud paaridele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Sinurambi Bed & Breakfast - Mills Residence, Homestay KNK ja Bike and Tours Bed and Breakfast.
Samuti on ka neid B&B-sid regioonis Borneo paarid kõrgelt hinnanud: 仙本那乐乐棒水屋 Larapan Water Village Semporna, Lazy Cat Home At Gaya Street ja Kundasang Trail Homestay.
Bike and Tours Bed and Breakfast, Seladah Stay ja Merdeka Guest House 2 on mõned populaarsed B&B-d regioonis Borneo.
Lisaks neile on ka Sinurambi Bed & Breakfast - Mills Residence, SPA Shalom Suites ja Jazepuri - Jaze 2 regioonis Borneo populaarsed B&B-d.
janice's villa, DA Family Mini Garden ja 仙本那乐乐棒水屋 Larapan Water Village Semporna regioonis Borneo on saanud külastajatelt häid arvustusi seoses vaadetega B&B-dest.
Regioonis Borneo peatuvad külastajad on rääkinud häid sõnu ka vaadete kohta neist B&B-dest: Seladah Stay, Dongorit Cabin Deluxe Room ja Kundasang Trail Homestay.
Enamik B&B-sid pakub tasuta tühistamist.
Paljudele regiooni Borneo külastanud peredele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Jazepuri - Jaze 2, Borneo Sweet Guesthouse ja Sinurambi Bed & Breakfast - Mills Residence.
Samuti on perega reisijate seas populaarsed hotellid Bike and Tours Bed and Breakfast, SPA Shalom Suites ja VIRTA Guesthouse.
Keskmiselt maksab B&B üheks ööks regioonis Borneo selleks nädalavahetuseks € 36,65 (põhineb praegustel hindadel).