Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Asub Droghedas koos Bruga Boinne'i külastuskeskus on 8,5 km kaugusel.Terrassiga majutusasutuses Peggy Moores on mittesuitsetajatele mõeldud toad, baar ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Very clean, safe and with a great sense of privacy
Spoon and the Stars Hostel asub müüriga ümbritsetud Drogheda linnas ning on ideaalne peatumispaik, kust ajaloolist Boyne'i orgu avastada. Kaunis George'i ajastu hoone on moodsa sisekujundusega. It was easy to locate the address. The manager Declan was always super helpful and friendly. It’s within walking distance from the train and bus station and the town and there are shops and restaurants and so on close by. The area felt safe even at night. The hostel has everything you need. Good Wi-Fi, well equipped kitchen, there is an outdoor hang out area and a tv room. Everything is clean and if you need anything there is someone on hand who can help or who can contact Declan.
Hostel sihtkohas Drogheda
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad hosteleid regioonis Louth County
Hostel sihtkohas Drogheda
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad hosteleid regioonis Louth County