Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Hotell Budapestis, piirkonnas 13. Angyalföld - Újlipótváros
Built in 1873 on the lush green and quiet Margaret Island in the centre of Budapest, the Ensana Grand Margaret Island offers a spacious spa area with a selection of treatments. hommikusöök oli rikkalik, oli puder, muna, sink, juust, puuviljad jne. Linna pääsemiseks on jala 2, 6 km läbi pargi, mis on ülimalt ilus (ajaloolised varemed, Jaapani aed, purskaev), bussiga 7 min.
Hotell Budapestis, piirkonnas 13. Angyalföld - Újlipótváros
Uniquely situated on the quiet and green Margaret Island in the heart of Budapest, the modern Ensana Thermal Margaret Island offers free use of its large spa area, an indoor and an outdoor pool, and... Nice hotel, good thermal springs, great location
13. Angyalföld - Újlipótváros, Budapest
Island Hostel Budapest asub loodusega ümbritsetud Margareti saarel ning pakub rõõmsat atmosfääri. i liked the vibe of the place, it is really chill, away from the hectic city life, although you still close to the city center, it just so cool. i Loved the view from the terrace, the people are working are nice like all the people i encountered in Budapest generally.