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Milía Amazon Lodge


Jõevaatega Milía Amazon Lodge asub Iquitos. Kohapeal on restoran, ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtt, baar, aed ja terrass. Igal majutusruumil on aiavaatega terrass. Frank and the staff were very accommodating and made sure we were always taken care of. The food was amazing and we loved falling asleep to the sounds of the Amazon! The naturally beautiful location right on the water was just superb!

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
11 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 308
öö kohta

Casa Kukama Lodge


Mäevaatega Casa Kukama Lodge asub Iquitos. Kohapeal on restoran, ühine köök, baar, aed ja terrass. WiFi-ühendus on tasuta. Igal majutusruumil on jõevaatega rõdu. Management and staff were superb and very helpful.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
91 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 48
öö kohta

Intillama Jungle Lodge EIRL


Aiavaatega majutusasutus Intillama Jungle Lodge EIRL asub Paucarpatas. Kohapeal on restoran, baar, aed ja terrass. Külalistele pakutakse tasuta transporditeenust. The experience was unique. We were living the same way as the local people which are really interesting. Since we were the only one there, so we got all the focus from them.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
5 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 165
öö kohta

Libertad Jungle Lodge


Terrassiga majutusasutus Libertad Jungle Lodge asub Yucuruche'is. Puhkemajakese külalised saavad läheduses kalastada ja kanuuga sõita või aias lõõgastuda. My guide Larry met me at the airport and we travelled to the lodge. Although it was 3 hours time went fast watching the landscape go by. It was dry season for my visit so unfortunately the river way very low and the lodge was not on the river as per photographed on booking. I do wish this was explained. Otherwise i had an amazing 5 days. The accommodation was clean, the food was ok. It was different everyday but simple. My guide Larry was exceptional. His knowledge of the jungle, outstanding, and his English was perfect. We made a plan on arriving for what it would like to do in my time. Highlight was the caiman night tour and lily pads.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
38 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 336
öö kohta

Pacaya Samiria Amazon Lodge - ALL INCLUSIVE


Pacaya Samiria Amazon Lodge - ALL INCLUSIVE asub keset džunglit ning pakub hommiku-, lõuna- ja õhtusööki, tasuta lennujaamatransporti ning kalapüügi- ja matkaekskursioone piirkonnas. The location and the activities and the staff. It was all fantastic.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
18 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 470
öö kohta

Amazon Muyuna Lodge - All Inclusive


Amazon Muyuna Lodge on maalähedane hotell, mis asub Iquitos Jungle'is Amazonase jõe kaldal, 3 tunni kaugusel Iquitos'e kesklinnast. All the meals were great and authentic to the area,good variety. The four days were all scheduled from morning to night which we loved. So much to experience from nocturnal jungle hikes and going out in the nocturnal hunt canoe ride. Many boat excursions, swam near pink dolphins, caught several piranha fish, saw many species unique to the area. Birdwatching. Took out the kayak and paddle board during our 2 hour afternoon rest. The remote private bungalows were so comfortable and clean. Loved resting in the hammock on our balcony. Guide Mosises spoke English well , very knowledgeable and grew up in the area. Flew to Iquito, had hotel pick up, a van drove part way before loading the boat to go down the Amazon river to our remote lodge 140 km upstream from Iguito. Very easy all inclusive experience.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
12 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 485
öö kohta

Heliconia Amazon River Lodge

Francisco de Orellana

See puhkemajake asub Amazonase jõe kaldal Yanamono ühiskaitsealal, 80 km kaugusel Iquitosest. Majutusasutus pakub maalähedast majutust ja igapäevaseid giidiga ekskursioone Amazonase džunglisse. We liked everything: the food, the jungle sounds, the scenery, the staff, our guide, the activities, the pool, and surely ore.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
21 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 411
öö kohta

Amak Iquitos Ecolodge - All Inclusive

Santa Clara

Amak Iquitos Ecolodge - All Inclusive asub Santa Claras ning pakub täispansioniga majutust ja ekskursioone jõe ja vihmametsa juurde. The trip , the guides, the hospitality, the food , the program and the service

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
66 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 232
öö kohta

Jacamar Lodge Expeditions


Jacamar Lodge Expeditions asub Amazonase jõe kaldal keset džunglit ja 120 km kaugusel Iquitos kesklinnast. See maalähedane hostel pakub erinevaid tegevusi jões ja džunglis. My experience in the jungle with jacamar tours exceeded all of my expectations. It was truly an amazing experience. First I would like to say I am a solo traveler, and while I’m pretty well traveled I still wanted to be sure I could have a safe experience that would check all the boxes in terms of what is offered for the jungle tour. I picked Jacamar tours because it had good reviews and it looked well positioned on one of the tributaries off the Amazon river. I must say it did not disappoint! Shortly after I booked, Danny the tour guide reached out to me just to touch base and help gear me up. I truly appreciated that and it made me feel like I already had a connection and that I would go into the jungle knowing what I should do and bring. Make sure you bring bug spray and long sleeve shits/pants. With spray the bugs were not bad at all btw. After I arrived in Iquitos he met me that evening and it was really great to put a face to the name and discuss further what it would be like. As mentioned, you pay for the room and then the price for the tour guide is $50 per day. Also please remember that these people work incredibly hard and keep us safe out in the jungle. Without them we would not have this experience. So it is customary to leave a tip beyond the $50 per day that you pay for the tours, I chose to leave a very generous tip, it’s up to you but really think about how wonderful the experience is and try to tip as much as you can at the end. Also bear in mind that your tours are private and customized for what you want- you do not go on tours with a big group of people which is awesome. I cannot begin tor explain what a great price this is for a person that is literally from the jungle and stayed with me the whole time! He was so kind and knowledgeable- Danny truly made the experience more than I ever could have imagined.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
28 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 152
öö kohta

Ceiba Tops

Santa Teresa

Välibasseini ja restoraniga Ceiba Tops pakub majutust Iquitos. Avalikes kohtades on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Igas sviidis on istumisnurk, privaatne vannituba ja minibaar. Good for a break from the harsh environment. The guide Mr Lewis is experience and friendly. We went to visit the villages. Overall was a good experience for a break.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
Väga hea
23 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 315
öö kohta

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