Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Birchwood Guest Lodge pakub konditsioneeriga majutust Balmahal. Majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta parkla. The owner welcomed me when I arrived late in the evening , tired from the west highland way, and was very kind and warm! He was helpful and patient even though it was pretty late. The room was decorated so special, and had everything I needed for a good night sleep. The shower is great. The location is close to the WHW trail and was the best choice. Very close to a pub and a coffee place. I would stay there again.
Craigbank Guest House asub Crianlarichis, kõigest 49 km kaugusel Šoti Crannogi keskusest. Külalistemajast avaneb vaade mägedele. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. The hosts were super warm and welcoming and the beds were great
Aia ja aiavaatega külalistemaja Lubnaig Guest House asub ajaloolises hoones Callanderis, 34 km kaugusel Loch Katrine järvest. Beautiful location and setting. Gardens are lovely. Easy parking. Host and hostess very personable and appear to take great pride in their establishment.
Ewich House B&B asub vaikses kohas 4,5 hektari suurusel privaatsel maa-alal. Kogu majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Kohapeal saab tasuta parkida. Crianlarich on Strathfilanis, 3,2 km kaugusel. Super clean, comfy, great atmosphere and great food - best of all, ultra-phenomenal B&B hosts!
Hotell Knowe asub Rob Roy maal kuulsate Cragside all ning pakub suurepärast majutust igat tüüpi reisijatele. Great B&B with fantastic hosts. Close to everything in Callander. Great breakfast.
Acorn House Callander asub Callanderis, 14 km kaugusel Menteithi järvest, 33 km kaugusel Katrine järvest ja 47 km kaugusel Mugdocki maapargist. Very warm welcome by the hosts. Everything was very clean, the bed was super comfortable and the room was very well equipped. The hosts gave us some information about the area, and there were information folders as well. The bathroom was shared with other guests, but very clean. The rooms were well isolated so you had a quiet room even when other guests were in. Would stay again!
Aiaga Cosy double room in Falkirk (1) asub Polmontis. Edinburgh on majutusasutusest Cosy double room in Falkirk (1) 43 km kaugusel ning Stirling on 31 km kaugusel. Beautiful room and beautiful room in a new house with comfy ensuite bathroom. Ample room with a very comfortable bed. Nice host available for questions as needed. Great stay! Thanks!
Aia ja aiavaatega külalistemaja Braeside Guest House, Loch Lomond asub ajaloolises hoones Drymenis, Mugdocki maapargist 18 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on ühisköök ja välikamin. Location. Friendly helpful staff. Close to restaurants pubs bars etc. and supermarket. Immaculately clean and presented
Sir Andrew Murray House asub Strathyre'is, Stirlingi lossist 40 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on erinevad majutusruumid, tasuta eraparkla ja aiaterrass koos baariga BQ. Great room and facilities. Got to use the washer and dryer to continue on my hike with clean clothes.
Aia ja aiavaatega Dalkell Cottage asub Tyndrumis, 45 km kaugusel Inveraray lossist ja 49 km kaugusel Glencoe'i veresaunast. Külalistemajas on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta parkla. My husband and I had a comfortable stay in this place! It is near to the Restaurants! I would recommend this to any other guests.
Kodumajutus sihtkohas Stirling
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad kodumajutusi regioonis Central Scotland
Kodumajutus sihtkohas Callander
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad kodumajutusi regioonis Central Scotland
Kodumajutus sihtkohas Callander
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad kodumajutusi regioonis Central Scotland
Kodumajutus sihtkohas Crianlarich
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad kodumajutusi regioonis Central Scotland
Kodumajutus sihtkohas Callander
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad kodumajutusi regioonis Central Scotland
Kodumajutus sihtkohas Callander
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad kodumajutusi regioonis Central Scotland
Regioonis Central Scotland reisinud paaridele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Ewich House B&B, Acorn House Callander ja The Knowe Guest House.
Samuti on ka neid kodumajutusi regioonis Central Scotland paarid kõrgelt hinnanud: Craigbank Guest House, Lubnaig Guest House ja Double room with ensuite, tea & coffee, Falkirk, Scotland.
Muudame regioonis Central Scotland kodumajutuse broneerimise kiireks ja lihtsaks, pakkudes järgmist.
• Tasuta tühistamine enamikule peatumistele
• Hindade vastavusse viimise garantii
• Ööpäevaringne klienditugi enam kui 40 keeles
Ewich House B&B, The Knowe Guest House ja Craigbank Guest House on mõned populaarsed kodumajutused regioonis Central Scotland.
Lisaks neile on ka Lubnaig Guest House, Birchwood Guest Lodge ja Acorn House Callander regioonis Central Scotland populaarsed kodumajutused.
Paljudele regiooni Central Scotland külastanud peredele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides The Knowe Guest House, Ewich House B&B ja Acorn House Callander.
Samuti on perega reisijate seas populaarsed hotellid Craigbank Guest House, Lubnaig Guest House ja Double room with ensuite, tea & coffee, Falkirk, Scotland.
Regioonis Central Scotland saad broneerida 17 kodumajutust.
Dalkell Cottage, The Knowe Guest House ja Acorn House Callander regioonis Central Scotland on saanud külastajatelt häid arvustusi seoses vaadetega kodumajutustest.
Regioonis Central Scotland peatuvad külastajad on rääkinud häid sõnu ka vaadete kohta neist kodumajutustest: Ewich House B&B, Craigbank Guest House ja Lubnaig Guest House.
Enamik kodumajutusi pakub tasuta tühistamist.
Keskmiselt maksab kodumajutus üheks ööks regioonis Central Scotland selleks nädalavahetuseks € 109,28 (põhineb praegustel hindadel).