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Bocas del Toro
Kde se džungle setkává s útesem,“ CocoVivo je magické eko-ústup na jižním cípu Isla Cristobal. Being away from the grotty and busy Bocas town was incredible. Staying at cocovivo was like staying in your own oasis with everything you needed. Perfect for relaxing and exploring in rain or sun! It was amazing. Having the reef right below you meant snorkelling was available at any time which was endless fun!! Something different to see each day. The staff were amazing, massive thanks to Melissa for her hospitality and great chats, Luciano for the amazing meals, and Luis for helping us find the monkeys!
prázdninový areál v destinaci Bocas del Toro
Oblíbené u hostů, kteří si rezervují prázdninové areály v destinaci Isla Colon