Originally a country house, the Stone House Hotel has been tastefully restored in traditional style to provide a charming and serene environment. The property is 18.5 miles from Alton Towers.
Crown Hotel Stone: A Blend of Historical Elegance and Modern Comfort Nestled in the heart of the charming canal town of Stone, the Crown Hotel Stone stands as a beacon of history and hospitality.
Located half-way between Manchester and Birmingham, the Yarnfield Park Training And Conference Centre is up to 10 minutes', depending on traffic, from the M6 motorway.
Highfields Farm B&B asub 4,2 hektari suurusel maa-alal ning pakub imelisi vaateid Staffordshire'i maapiirkonnale. Majutusasutuses on individuaalselt kujundatud magamistoad koos privaatse vannitoaga.
Aiavaatega Garden Cottage asub Kivis, 24 km kaugusel Altoni tornidest ja 38 km kaugusel Chillingtoni hallist. Majutusasutusel on terrass ja tasuta eraparkla.
Ühe magamistoaga apartemendist avaneb suurepärane vaade Staffordshire'i maapiirkonnale. Majutusasutus asub Hilderstone'i külas, Stone'ist 4,8 km kaugusel.
Located at Stafford Services Southbound M6, this Days Inn is a 10-minute drive to Stafford. It has a range of breakfasts, a restaurant, free parking and rooms with TVs.
Holiday Inn Express Stoke-On-Trent is just off junction 15 of the M6. Holiday Inn Express Stoke on Trent is 10 minutes’ drive from Stoke city centre, set next to Stoke FC’s bet365 Stadium.
Situated in Meir, the Weathervane Hotel is 20 minutes’ drive from Alton Towers.
See maamaja asub rahulikus maapiirkonnas ning ehitati 1845. aastal. Täna on maja muudetud luksuslikuks eraomandis olevaks hotelliks, kus on palju kauneid algupäraseid detaile.