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Лучшие люкс-шатры в городе Рамнагар

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Corbett Nature Retreat — это люкс-шатер в городе Рамнагар. Здесь есть сад, терраса и ресторан, а также установлен бесплатный Wi-Fi. Из окон открывается вид на реку.

Everyone treated us so well, the owners and the staff accommodated everything we needed they booked us safaris in advance, woke up at 5.30am to see us off and even gave us a blanket to take with us to keep us warm! On the day we didn't have safaris we asked to go to a temple which was all organised for us and the daughter of the owners came with us to act as our guide which was so lovely. When we arrived we were a bit under the weather from our time in Delhi, and our host was so accommodating catering meals to our needs and offered to get us medicine, which we really appreciated. The food was perhaps the best we have had in India, and our one regret is that we couldn't eat more (or stay longer!). The location was amazing, and we spent every evening bird watching by the river and saw so many cool birds, deer and monkeys. The tents were lovely and had all the luxuries you need but also felt like being out in nature. The gardens are lovely and full of wildlife and we spotted so much from just our porch. Honestly can't recommend this place enough if yiu stay anywhere else in Jim Corbett you're missing out! We will defiantly be back!

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