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Looking for a self-catering accommodation?
Self-catering accommodations promise the freedom and privacy necessary for a well-earned break. From modern apartments and luxury villas, to beach huts and eco-lodges, the options are seemingly endless. Whether cooking in your kitchen, reading in the garden, or kicking back in front of the TV – you’ll feel right at home.

Most booked self-catering accommodations in Goiás this month

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Self-catering Accommodations That Guests Love in Goiás

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  • Avg. price/night: $51.36
    Scored 8.2
    Rated very good
    Very Good
     · 12 reviews
    Very new and well equipped, Good lighting makes up for lack of natural light. A very comfortable bed. Lots of pans and kitchen gear , all new, no coffee machine or electric kettle,, but a huge machine for making French fries ( frites ). I guess these are cultural differences. If you want to cook, bring your oil, salt, and whatever, there is no minimum supply. The sitting room/kitchen is pleasant, and cool,. we chose this accommodation because air-conditionned. That is a plus. For anyone coming by bus, ideally situated.
    Solo traveler