Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Veres Motel asub Veresegyház külas. Kohapeal on katusebassein. Selles hommikusöögiga majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja parkimine. Selles hommikusöögiga majutusasutuses on peretoad. I was greeted with a smile and treated like royalty.
Muskátli Panzió és Étterem asub Újhartyánis, 44 km kaugusel Ungari rahvusmuuseumist. Kohapeal on aed, tasuta eraparkla, terrass ja restoran. Ok so we stayed at this hotel twice in two weeks because its very very good value for money. The staff are very helpful and the dinner portions are huge. Its close to the motorway but very quiet with plenty of parking.
M0 Caffe & Motel asub Nagytartcsa äärelinnas. Kohapeal on kohvik, grillbaar, bensiinijaam ja Konditsioneeriga majutusruumides on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. It was really clean and comfortable. We needed a place to rest before an early flight, so it was a great option. The staff was really friendly and helpful.
Omega Szigetszentmiklós asub Szigetszentmiklósil, 25 km kaugusel Ungari rahvusmuuseumist ja 26 km kaugusel Gellérti mäest. Kohapeal on terrass, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Was met by the owner who was very polite and friendly. Location was perfect for my needs and transport links to Budapest City was a 15 minute walk away. Some small local shops to get anything you need for your break/holiday. Would be perfect as a base location for anybody. Only a 30.minute drive from Budapest Airport.
Málnás Szállás asub Dunavarsányis, Ungari rahvusmuuseumist 29 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. The staff was very friendly and considerate of our needs. We were staying with two large dogs and we had all the comfort we needed. The room was clean, spacious and comfortable.
Grillimisvõimaluse ja aiaga Szilas Park Motel asub Nagytarcsas Szilase Merchanti pargis kiirtee M0 mahasõidul nr 58. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja eraparkla. Motelli toad asuvad kahes hoones. A cozy location near Hungaroring. We are coming for F1 there. It was really cheap and we have nothing bad to say.
M0 Lakihegy Horgony u 10 asub Szigetszentmiklósil, 3 km kaugusel Oázis Wellness Parkist. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta avalik parkla. Igas toas on televiisor ja privaatne dušiga vannituba.... location for my workplace as I had work nearby else it is a very far from the city center. without car you can not imagine reaching there.
Kisdunapart 510 asub Budapestist 9 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on toad ja tasuta eraparkla. WiFi-ühendus on tasuta. Hotelli Kisdunapart 510 helikindlatel tubadel on aiavaatega rõdu ja LCD-televiisor. Good location, close to hungaroring and Budapest city center
Motell sihtkohas Nagytarcsa
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad motelle regioonis Pest
Motell sihtkohas Újhartyán
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad motelle regioonis Pest
Motell sihtkohas Taksony
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad motelle regioonis Pest
Motell sihtkohas Nagytarcsa
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad motelle regioonis Pest
Motell sihtkohas Szigetszentmiklós
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad motelle regioonis Pest