Casa Blue Pelican.
Casa Blue Pelican.
- Terve majutuspaik on sinu päralt
- 111 m² suurus
- Köök
- Merevaade
- Grillimisvõimalus
- Pesumasin
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Terrass
- Rõdu
- Tasuta parkimine
Sulle võib majutusasutuses Casa Blue Pelican. kehtida Genius-soodustus. Kui soovid teada, kas sinu valitud kuupäevadeks on Genius-soodustus saadaval, logi sisse.
Genius-soodustused selles majutusasutuses olenevad broneerimiskuupäevadest, peatumiskuupäevadest ja muudest saadaval olevatest pakkumistest.
Casa Blue Pelican pakub konditsioneeri, rõdu ning vaatega ja merevaatega basseiniga majutust. See on Marathonis. Külaliste käsutuses on terrass ja välikamin. Kohapeal on päikeseterrass, tasuta WiFi-ühendus, tasuta eraparkla ja elektriautode laadimisjaam. Avaras puhkemajas on 3 magamistuba, lameekraaniga televiisor koos voogedusteenusega ning köök, kus on nõudepesumasin, praeahi, pesumasin, mikrolaineahi, röster ja kõik muu vajalik. Külalised saavad nautida väljas paikneva einestamisnurga kaudu ümbritsevat õhkkonda või külmematel päevadel kamina ees sooja hoida. Puhkemajas on voodipesu, rätikud ja pesupesemisteenus. Külalised saavad kasutada sooja ilma ja grillimisvahendeid. Puhkemajas peatudes saab mängida piljardit, lauatennist ja noolemängu ning piirkonnas on populaarseteks tegevusteks kalapüük ja kanuusõit. Majutusasutuse Casa Blue Pelican külalised saavad ka väljas mängida. Florida Keys Aquarium Encounters asub 300 meetri kaugusel ning Upper Matecumbe Key on 47 km kaugusel. Lähim lennujaam on Key Westi rahvusvaheline lennujaam, mis jääb majutusasutusest Casa Blue Pelican 80 km kaugusele.
Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Tasuta parkimine
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Peretoad
- Toad/vahendid erivajadustega külastajatele
Logi sisse ja säästa raha
![Logi sisse ja säästa raha](
Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda
Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev
- Steve
Tšehhi Vabariik
„Everything. Very comfortable, everything you need is here. Owners did an amazing job making it a warm, inviting place. I've stayed at dozens of rentals and this is the best I've experienced.” - Jason
Ameerika Ühendriigid
„Great location for a family. The host are quick to respond to any questions or concerns that arose.” - Crystal
Ameerika Ühendriigid
„Home was amazing and just as pictured. Entering the property was easy and seamless it was well maintained and clean. Lots of activities for kids and adults and awesome fishing off the back dock. Home was well stocked with everything you could need...” - Arlene
Ameerika Ühendriigid
„The kitchen and outdoor facilities were fantastic. The hot tub was wonderful! The owners were very responsive.”
Majutusasutuse ümbrus
Majutusasutuses Casa Blue Pelican. pakutavad mugavusedSuurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 9.7
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Tasuta parkimine
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Peretoad
- Toad/vahendid erivajadustega külastajatele
ParkimineTasuta privaatne parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole vajalik).
- Elektrilise sõiduki laadimise jaam
- Invaparkimine
Internet WiFi-ühendus on saadaval terves hotellis ja on tasuta.
- Kohvimasin
- Puhastusvahendid
- Röster
- Pliit
- Ahi
- Kuivati
- Köögiriistad
- Veekeetja
- Köök
- Pesumasin
- Nõudepesumasin
- Mikrolaineahi
- Külmkapp
- Kööginurk
- Voodipesu
- Riide- või seinakapp
- Tualettpaber
- Rätikud
- Käterätikud/voodipesu lisatasu eest
- Täiendav tualettruum
- Vann või dušš
- Privaatne vannituba
- Tualettruum
- Tasuta tualetitarbed
- Föön
- Vann
- Dušš
- Einestamisala
- Diivan
- Kamin
- Istumisnurk
- Töölaud
Meedia ja tehnika
- Voogedastusteenus (nt Netflix)
- Blu-ray-mängija
- Lameekraaniga televiisor
- Videomakk
- CD-mängija
- DVD-mängija
- Raadio
- Telefon
- Televiisor
Mugavused toas
- Pistikupesa voodi lähedal
- Diivanvoodi
- Pesukuivatusrest
- Riidenagi
- Allergiaohutu
- Plaat- või marmorpõrand
- Privaatne sissepääs
- Ventilaator
- Püksipress
- Triikraud
- Mullivann
- Kogu üksus on ratastooliga ligipääsetav
- Ülemistele korrustele pääseb liftiga
- Välikamin
- Välimööbel
- Väljas einestamise võimalus
- Päikeseterrass
- Grill
- Grillimisvõimalus
- Siseõu
- Rõdu
- Terrass
- Välivann
- Mullivann
Toit ja jook
- Minibaar
- Tee- ja kohvimasin
- Jalgrattaekskursioonid
- Jalgsiekskursioonid
- SnorgeldamineLisatasu eestEemal
- SukeldumineLisatasu eestEemal
- Kanuusõit
- Nooleviskemäng
- Lauatennis
- Piljard
- Kalastamine
Õueala ja vaade
- Aiavaade
- Merevaade
- Vaade
- Rattarent
- Võimalik on arve saada
Meelelahutus ja teenused peredele
- Lastele mõeldud varustus õues mängimiseks
- Lauamängud/pusled
- Lastele mõeldud raamatud, DVDd või muusika
- Lauamängud/pusled
Puhastus- ja koristusteenused
- Pesumaja
- Kõrgem WC
- Käepidemetega WC
- Suitsetamiseks ettenähtud kohad
- Konditsioneer
- Kogu majutusasutus on suitsuvaba
- Küte
- Lift
- Peretoad
- Toad/vahendid erivajadustega külastajatele
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Tulekustutid
- Videovalve majutusasutusest väljaspool
- Suitsuandurid
- Valvesignalisatsioon
- Vingugaasiandur
- Seif
Personal kõneleb
- inglise
- hispaania
Tähtis teadaCasa Blue Pelican. võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!
Laste majutamise reeglid
Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.
Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.
Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid
Lubatud lastevoodite hulk oleneb sinu tehtavast valikust. Lisateabeks vaata palun tehtud toavalikut.
Selles majutusasutuses ei ole lisavoodid saadaval.
Lastevoodid olenevad saadavusest.
Kasulik teadaSelle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad
House Rules and Regulations, lease agreements.
A. Locals must contact the host before booking.
B. No parties or events are allowed.
C. Quiet hours are from 10pm to 8AM.
A. Violation of this rule, a $300 fine will be applied.
3. Pets are not permitted on this property under any conditions.
4.We will not rent to vacationing students or singles under 25 years of age unless accompanied by an adult guardian or parent.
A. Elevator uses are only for (handicap Guests) and must be requested within two days after reservation.
A. No damage is done to the House or its contents, beyond normal wear and tear.
B. No charges are incurred due to contraband, pets, or collection of rents or services rendered during the stay.
C. All debris, rubbish and discards are placed in garbage cans, and soiled dishes are placed in the dishwasher. Place all used liners and towels inside laundry before your check-out.
D. All keys are to be put back in the key’s holder by the front door, and the house is left locked.
5. No early check-in or late check-out.
A. Check-out hours are strictly at 10AM.
B. Late check-out after 30 minutes a $55 fee will be applied.
C. Late check-out after 2Hr will be considered as trespassing, guest will be subject to pay for a non-discount additional day plus any refund fee applied to the next affected reservation by this rule violation.
D. The renter will be evicted by the owner (or representative of the owner) or local law enforcement.
6. Please understand your cancellation rules prior to check-in.
A. Early check-out is subject to no refund.
7. -No visitors are allowed without permission or previous notice, and all authorized visitors must leave the premises after quiet hours 10pm, Unauthorize visitors will be reported to Airbnb as guests and an additional fee of $75 will be apply per guest per night to your account.
9. MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY- The maximum number of guests is limited to 6 people including minors older than 2 years old.
A. MAXIMUM- Extras guests are limited to 2 people, at an extra $75 fee per guest per night must be paid through Airbnb before check-in.
C. Any portion violation of house rules or community rules will be grounds for immediate termination of the reservation without any refund. Guests will be removed from the property and treated as trespassers.
10. Regardless that you may be checking out earlier you must sign these 7 days STAY agreement.
11. INCLUSIVE FEES- Rates include a one-time linen-towel setup. All Amenity fees are included in the rental rate.
12. NO DAILY MAID SERVICE- While linens and bath towels are included in the unit, daily maid service is not included in the rental rate however the house has a washer and dryer for your convenience. We have beach towels that you are welcome to use. We don’t permit towels and/or linens to be taken from the house.
13. FALSIFIED RESERVATIONS- Any reservation obtained under false pretense will be subject to forfeit of advance payment, deposit and/or rental money, and the guests will not be permitted to check-in.
14. WRITTEN EXCEPTIONS- Any exceptions to the above-mentioned policies must be approved in writing in advance.
15.HURRICANE OR STORM POLICY- No refunds will be given unless:
A. The National Weather Service orders mandatory evacuation in a “Tropical Storm/Hurricane Warning area” and/or
B. A “mandatory evacuation order has been given for the Tropical Storm/Hurricane Warning” area of residence of a vacationing guest.
The day that the National Weather Service orders a mandatory evacuation order in a “Tropical Storm/Hurricane Warning” area we will refund:
A. Any unused portion of the rent from a guest currently registered
B. Any unused portion of the rent from a guest that is scheduled to arrive, and wants to shorten their stay, to come in after the Hurricane Warning is lifted.
C. Any advance rents collected or deposited for a reservation that is scheduled to arrive during the “Hurricane Warning” period.
16. The owner is not responsible for any accidents, injuries or illnesses that occur while on the premises or facilities. The owner is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings or valuables of the guest. By accepting this reservation, it is agreed that all guests are expressly assuming the risk of harm arising from their use of the premises or others whom they invite to use the premises.
- By confirming your reservation, you agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement.
City of Marathon Fire Rescue
Office of the Fire Marshal 8900 Overseas Hwy., Marathon, FL 33050
"Dedicated to Community Fire Protection”
Emergency 911
Basic Vacation Rental Requirements
1. Vacation Rental Units are short-term (7 to 28 nights) rentals of residential dwelling units. Every vacation rental unit must have one kitchen and at least one working telephone (Land line).
2. Vacation rental units may have no more than two (2) persons per bedroom plus two (2) extra persons.
3. Short-term rentals require a Vacation Rental License from the City of Marathon. All fees are non- refundable.
4. A Monroe County Business Tax Receipt by the County Tax Department, a license from the State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, (DBPR) division of Hotels and Restaurants and Florida Department of Revenue Sales Tax identification certificate is required.
5. An inspection is required from the City Fire Department as part of the review of the Vacation Rental Determination and subsequent renewals.
6. All vehicles and trailers are required to be parked within designated areas and vehicle information must be provided upon request. No vehicles may be used for overnight accommodation.
7. Docked vessels may not extend beyond the property lines, may not be rafted together or create a navigation hazard. No vessels may be used for overnight accommodation.
8. Tenants shall not unnecessarily make or cause a noise disturbance between the hours of 10:00pm and 7:00 am.
9. All trash must be in covered containers (4 minimum) and may not be placed in the right of way except from 6:00 pm of the day prior to scheduled trash pickup and removed from the right of way by the end of trash pickup day.
10. A written copy of all regulations must be signed by all adult tenants. The rental agreement shall contain the home address, phone number, manager’s address and phone number, and the phone number of the rental unit. Either the property owner or property manager’s contact number must be posted in the rental unit.
11. All tenants of vacation rental units are required to comply with MANDATORY EVACUATION at the posting of a hurricane warning.
12. All advertisements of Vacation Rentals in any medium must contain the vacation rental permit number (PLR) issued by the City of Marathon
Sisseregistreerimisel tuleb külastajatel esitada kehtiv fotoga isikut tõendav dokument ja krediitkaart. Palun pane tähele, et erisoovide täitmist ei saa alati tagada ja need täidetakse vastavalt võimalustele sisseregistreerimisel ning nende täitmisel võivad kehtida lisatasud.
Enne saabumist on nõutud makse pangaülekandega. Majutusasutus võtab teiega juhiste edastamiseks pärast broneeringu tegemist ühendust.
Selles majutusasutuses pole poissmeestepeod ega muud sarnased üritused lubatud.
Öörahu on ajavahemikus 22:00:00–08:00:00.
Alla 18-aastased külastajad saavad sisse registreerida ainult koos lapsevanema või ametliku eestkostjaga.
Kui sinu peatumise ajal on majutusasutus saanud kahjustada, võidakse sult selle majutusasutuse kahjuga seotud reeglite järgi pärast väljaregistreerimist küsida kuni US$250.