Nastanitev Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris se nahaja v mestu Mugumu in ponuja bar ter razgled na gore. V vseh enotah sta na voljo prostor za sedenje in jedilni predel. V sklopu nastanitve lahko koristite teraso za sončenje. Najbližje letališče je Letališče Kirawira B, ki je od nastanitve Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris oddaljeno 74 km, na voljo pa je tudi letališki prevoz za doplačilo.

Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.

Prednosti nastanitve

Informacije o zajtrku

Zajtrk za na pot


Izberite datume, da bi videli razpoložljivost in cene te nastanitve

Vrsta sobe
Število gostov
1 enojna postelja
1 zakonska postelja
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje

Upravlja: Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris

1 upravljana nastanitev

Podatki o podjetju

Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris is Nestled in acacia trees overlooking the Togoro plains, the camp is about 1 hour from the Seronera Airport making it ideally located for fly in fly out safaris. Togoro Plains are in the Central Serengeti and therefore ideal for visits to the Northern Serengeti, Western Serengeti and the Grumeti river as well as the central Serengeti. This means that whatever the season, the traveler has options for the game drives. The mobile Camp which moves to different locations in alignment with the migration of the animals. The wildebeests along with other animals migrate through the Serengeti and other areas that are a tourist’s attraction depending on the location of the migration. The Mobile Camp has Tents outfitted as doubles and other Tents outfitted as singles. All tents are ensuite with showers, warm water, flush toilets and a sink. The camp has a mess tent with the typical amenities including all Meals & cold drinks.

Podatki o nastanitvi

Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris is Nestled in acacia trees overlooking the Togoro plains, the camp is about 1 hour from the Seronera Airport making it ideally located for fly in fly out safaris. Togoro Plains are in the Central Serengeti and therefore ideal for visits to the Northern Serengeti, Western Serengeti and the Grumeti river as well as the central Serengeti. This means that whatever the season, the traveler has options for the game drives. The mobile Camp which moves to different locations in alignment with the migration of the animals. The wildebeests along with other animals migrate through the Serengeti and other areas that are a tourist’s attraction depending on the location of the migration. The Mobile Camp has Tents outfitted as doubles and other Tents outfitted as singles. All tents are ensuite with showers, warm water, flush toilets and a sink. The camp has a mess tent with the typical amenities including cold drinks.

Informacije o soseski

Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris is Nestled in acacia trees overlooking the Togoro plains, the camp is about 1 hour from the Seronera Airport making it ideally located for fly in fly out safaris. Togoro Plains are in the Central Serengeti and therefore ideal for visits to the Northern Serengeti, Western Serengeti and the Grumeti river as well as the central Serengeti. This means that whatever the season, the traveler has options for the game drives. The mobile Camp which moves to different locations in alignment with the migration of the animals. The wildebeests along with other animals migrate through the Serengeti and other areas that are a tourist’s attraction depending on the location of the migration. The Mobile Camp has Tents outfitted as doubles and other Tents outfitted as singles. All tents are ensuite with showers, warm water, flush toilets and a sink. The camp has a mess tent with the typical amenities including all Meals & cold drinks.

Jeziki, ki jih v nastanitvi govorijo:


Okolica nastanitve

Storitve nastanitve Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris

Najbolj priljubljene storitve
  • Letališki prevoz
  • Družinske sobe
  • Sobe za nekadilce
  • Oprema za pripravo čaja/kave v vseh sobah
  • Bar
  • Zajtrk
  • Toaletni papir
  • Brisače
  • Lastna kopalnica
  • WC
  • Kad
  • Prha
  • Posteljnina
  • Pogled na reko
  • Pogled na znamenitost
  • Pogled na gore
  • Pogled na jezero
  • Razgled
Na prostem
  • Kamin na prostem
  • Piknik prostor
  • Zunanji jedilni predel
  • Zunanje pohištvo
  • Terasa za sončenje
  • Žar
  • Jedilna miza
  • Čistilna sredstva
Oprema v sobi
  • Stojalo za sušenje obleke
  • Obešalnik za oblačila
  • Tematske večerje
  • Peš ogledi
  • Safari v avtomobilu
Dnevna soba
  • Jedilni predel
  • Kamin
  • Predel za sedenje
  • Pisalna miza
Hrana in pijača
  • Vino/šampanjec
  • Otrokom prijazen samopostrežni bife
  • Otroški obroki
  • Meni za posebne diete (na zahtevo)
  • Bar s prigrizki
  • Bar
  • Oprema za pripravo čaja/kave
Internetna povezava ni na voljo.
Parkiranje ni možno.
  • Omarice za zaklepanje
  • Zasebna prijava/odjava
  • Shramba za prtljago
  • Organizacija izletov
  • Pakirana kosila
  • Menjalnica
  • Letališki prevoz
  • 24-urna recepcija
Recepcija s storitvami
  • Račun na zahtevo
  • 24-urno varovanje
  • Sef
  • Prepovedano kajenje v vseh prostorih
  • Mreža proti komarjem
  • Zaseben vhod
  • Družinske sobe
  • Sobe za nekadilce
  • Celotna enota v pritličju
Pogovarjamo se lahko v:
  • angleščina

Hišni red
Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!

Od 10:00 do 18:00
Od 10:00 do 11:00
Odpoved / predplačila
Pravila o odpovedi in predplačilu se razlikujejo glede na vrsto nastanitve. Prosimo, vnesite datume svojega bivanja in preverite pravila za želeno možnost.
Otroci in ležišča

Pravila glede otrok

Otroci niso dovoljeni.

Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč

V tej nastanitvi otroške postelje in dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.

Brez starostnih omejitev
Za prijavo ni starostnih omejitev
Hišni ljubljenčki
Hišni ljubljenčki niso dovoljeni.
Kajenje ni dovoljeno.

Pravne informacije

To nastanitev upravlja profesionalni gostitelj. Ta oznaka nima nobenega pomena z vidika davkov, vključno z DDV in drugimi 'posrednimi davki', vendar jo zahteva potrošniška zakonodaja EU. Več informacij o gostitelju najdete tukaj: .

Pogosta vprašanja glede nastanitve Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris

  • V nastanitvi Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris prijava poteka od 10.00, odjava pa do 11.00.

  • Nastanitev Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris ponuja naslednje aktivnosti oz. storitve (morda je zanje treba doplačati):

    • Peš ogledi
    • Safari v avtomobilu
    • Tematske večerje
  • Nastanitev Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris je 6 km oddaljena od središča mesta Mugumu. Vse razdalje so merjene v zračni liniji. Dejanske potovalne razdalje se lahko razlikujejo.

  • Cene v nastanitvi Sadanga & Sons Mobile Camp Safaris so odvisne od vašega bivanja (npr. izbranih datumov, pravil hotela itd.). Cene boste videli, če vnesete datume.