Apartment MaRI&BoR asub Mariboris, Ehrenhauseni lossist 26 km ja Ptuj golfiväljakust 32 km kaugusel. Majutusasutus on hiljuti renoveeritud. Majutusasutusest avaneb vaade vaiksele tänavale. Slovenske Konjice golfiväljak jääb 40 km kaugusele. Kogu majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Maribori raudteejaam on 1,8 km kaugusel. Apartemendis on 1 magamistuba, 1 vannituba, voodipesu, rätikud, lameekraaniga televiisor, kaabeltelevisioon, einestamisnurk ja köök koos kõige vajalikuga. Terrassilt avaneb vaade aiale. Apartemendi juurde viib privaatne sissepääs, kus külalised saavad nautida puuvilju, šokolaadi või küpsiseid. See apartement on allergikutele ja mittesuitsetajatele.

Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid

Majutusasutuse parimad palad

Asudes ühes parimaks hinnatud piirkondadest Mariboris, on see majutusasutus saanud suurepärase asukoha hinde: 9,7


Vali kuupäevad, et näha majutusasutuse saadavust ja hindu

Majutuse tüüp
Külastajate arv
Magamistuba :
1 üheinimesevoodi
1 kaheinimesevoodi
1 diivanvoodi
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.

Majutusasutuse harjumused

Majutusasutusest on meile teada antud, et seal rakendatakse teatud tavasid mõnes või kõigis järgmistes kategooriates: jäätmed, vesi, energia, kasvuhoonegaaside heide, sihtkoht ja kogukond ning loodus.
Külastajate jäetud arvustused


Hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe
Kõrge hinne sihtkoha Maribor kohta
Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda

Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev

  • Roberto
    Itaalia Itaalia
    Everyting really nice, very grat hospitality of host. Apartment very comfortable and very clean and equipped. I highly recommend this accomodation
  • Ковалевская
    Ukraina Ukraina
    Apartment is better than on pictures! Very comfortable, fully equipped, very clean. Amazing owners! A lot of thanks for spending time at your apartment!
  • Anja
    Sloveenia Sloveenia
    We had a wonderful experience staying at this apartment. The place was equipped with all the necessities, completely renovated, and impeccably clean. Its location was excellent, conveniently close to the city center (only minutes away from the...
Booking.com on andnud sellele majutusasutusele viiepallisüsteemis kvaliteedihindeks 3, tuginedes teguritele, nagu mugavused, suurus, asukoht ja teenused.

Võõrustaja: Maša & Boštjan

Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Maša & Boštjan
The apartment MaRI&BoR is a private accommodation on the outskirts of the old city center in the immediate vicinity of the famous Lent on the Drava river. The location offers on the one hand a quiet corner to relax, on the other hand it allows a quick integration into the lively rhythm of the day and night life of the city. The apartment itself is located in a family house from the 19th century, when vaults were modern. The building has been completely renovated, preserving its originality. This gives the apartment the feeling of an old bourgeois apartment with modern facilities, offering everything necessary for modern life. Access to the apartment from the main street is through a corridor from which there is a view of the green courtyard. The entrance to the apartment,which is located on the first floor, leads along a well-kept grass path without stairs, and on the other side there is a view to the Pristan (swimming and a fitness center), and the Drava river. The apartment is located on the Drava cycling route. The apartment has a fully equipped kitchen with induction hob and oven, which allows you to prepare dishes to your taste. If you do not feel like cooking, you can visit one of the many restaurants nearby or afford yourself the best ice cream in town, which is only 5 minutes away. The bathroom is modernly equipped, there is a washing machine and everything you need to refresh your wardrobe. After a busy day of research, you can relax with ambient lighting and a TV with more than 180 programs. Apartment, with its location and facilities, offers everything you need to feel good, whether you are traveling for business, sports, cultural or educational purposes. And even if you are simply one of those who want to get to know better our city of Maribor, which nestles along the Drava River in the embrace of green Pohorje forests and picturesque vineyards, attracting crowds of tourists even from the most distant places in the world, you are warmly welcome.
We are Maša and Boštjan from Maribor. Like everyone, we love our hometown very much. Although we are both very involved in science and education, we wanted to present Maribor in the most beautiful light, even for those who may visit it only once in their lives. We also travel a lot with our children. The places you visit you remember for the rest of your life. You remember them for the good and friendly people, the well-kept environment, the good food, the sights and the pleasant stay. That is why we try to make our apartment MaRi&Bor at least a part of the beautiful memories you will take with you from Maribor. Come to Maribor and get to know the people, the cuisine, the history etc. Come to Slovenia, a green country on the sunny side of the Alps, where you can ski on the high mountain slopes and swim in the sea on the same day. A warm welcome.
MaRI&BoR apartment is located in the medieval center of the city, in Koroška cesta, which is one of the oldest streets in Maribor. It is located close to the Drava river and the famous medieval Lent, which is the city's promenade and urban center, meant for walking, running, cycling, sunbathing or relaxing with a drink and a meal in one of the many restaurants and cafes nearby. The two riverbanks are connected by two footbridges and several other bridges, which makes walking even more interesting. At the Lent, just 400 m from the apartment, there is a Guinness record holder, the oldest vine in the world, which is more than 450 years old and has its own museum, named, the Old Vine House. The Judgement Tower and the Water Tower, which are part of the medieval city walls, and are also nearby, and you can also visit the former Jewish quarter. The center of Maribor, with the Gothic Cathedral, the Slovenian National Theater and Opera, and the Renaissance CityS Hall, is only 800 m walk distance from the apartment. 200 m from the apartment is the city market, where you can find the nearest grocery store and a parking garage. Parking in the nearby public parking lots is free on weekends and charged at current rates during weekdays. The local bus station is right next to the apartment's main entrance, and the main train and bus stations are 2 km away. Near the apartment there are the Technical Faculties and the Pristan with an indoor Olympic swimming pool and a fitness center. Sports, recreation and Medical Termal Center Fontana is 2 km from the apartment, and Pohorje with its ski slopes is 6.4 km away. It takes only 10 minutes to get to the beautiful city park. If you like cycling, there are numerous cycling routes that will take you through the surrounding forests, lush green hills and vineyards that embrace our beautiful Maribor from all sides, of which we are very proud.
Personal kõneleb: keeltsaksa,inglise,horvaadi

Majutusasutuse ümbrus

Majutusasutuses Apartment MaRI&BoR pakutavad mugavused
Suurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 9.9

Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
  • Parkimine
  • Tasuta Wi-Fi
  • Toad mittesuitsetajatele
Avalik parkimine on võimalik hotelli lähedal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole võimalik). Võidakse kohaldada lisatasu.
  • Parkimine tänaval
WiFi-ühendus on saadaval terves hotellis ja on tasuta.
  • Söögilaud
  • Puhastusvahendid
  • Röster
  • Pliit
  • Ahi
  • Köögiriistad
  • Veekeetja
  • Köök
  • Pesumasin
  • Mikrolaineahi
  • Külmkapp
  • Voodipesu
  • Riide- või seinakapp
  • Tualettpaber
  • Rätikud
  • Vann või dušš
  • Sussid
  • Privaatne vannituba
  • Tualettruum
  • Föön
  • Dušš
  • Einestamisala
  • Diivan
  • Töölaud
Meedia ja tehnika
  • Arvuti
  • Lameekraaniga televiisor
  • Kaabeltelevisioon
  • CD-mängija
  • DVD-mängija
  • Raadio
  • Televiisor
Mugavused toas
  • Pistikupesa voodi lähedal
  • Diivanvoodi
  • Pesukuivatusrest
  • Riidenagi
  • Allergiaohutu
  • Puit- või parkettpõrand
  • Plaat- või marmorpõrand
  • Privaatne sissepääs
  • Vaipkattega põrandad
  • Triikimisvõimalus
  • Triikraud
  • Kogu üksus asub alumisel korrusel
  • Terrass
Õueala ja vaade
  • Aiavaade
Hoone tüüp
  • Privaatne korter majas
  • Kogu majutusasutus on suitsuvaba
  • Küte
  • Toad mittesuitsetajatele
  • Ligipääs võtmega
Personal kõneleb
  • saksa
  • inglise
  • horvaadi

Tähtis teada
Apartment MaRI&BoR võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!

Alates 15:00 kuni 21:00
Pead majutusasutusele ette teada andma, millal saabud.
Alates 07:00 kuni 11:00
Tühistamine/ ettemakse
Tühistamise ja ettemakse reeglid võivad sõltuvalt majutustüübist erineda. Palun sisesta oma peatumise kuupäevad ja kontrolli soovitud valiku tingimusi.
Lapsed ja voodid

Laste majutamise reeglid

Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.

Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.

Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid

Selles majutusasutuses pole laste- ja lisavoodid saadaval.

Vanusepiirangut ei ole
Sisseregistreerimisele ei kehti vanusepiirangut
Suitsetamine ei ole lubatud.
Peod/üritused ei ole lubatud
Külastajad peavad vaikselt olema ajavahemikus 22:00–06:00.
Lemmikloomad ei ole lubatud.

Kasulik teada
Selle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad

Selles majutusasutuses pole poissmeestepeod ega muud sarnased üritused lubatud.

Öörahu on ajavahemikus 22:00:00–06:00:00.

Juriidiline teave

Seda majutusasutust haldab eravõõrustaja. Professionaalseid võõrustajaid puudutav EL-i tarbijakaitseseadus ei pruugi kehtida.

KKK majutusasutuse Apartment MaRI&BoR kohta

  • Jah, selles majutusasutuses on terrassiga majutusvalikuid. Leiad siit lehelt rohkem teavet terrassi ja teiste mugavuste kohta, mida Apartment MaRI&BoR pakub.

  • Apartment MaRI&BoR mahutab järgmise suurusega rühma:

    • 4 külastajat

    Täpsema teabe jaoks vaata palun sellel lehel majutusvalikute ülevaadet.

  • Apartment MaRI&BoR asub koha Maribor keskusest 850 m kaugusel. Kõik vahemaad on mõõdetud linnulennult. Tegelikud vahemaad võivad erineda.

  • Majutusasutuses Apartment MaRI&BoR pakutakse järgnevaid tegevusi/teenuseid (kohalduda võivad lisatasud):

    • Hinnad majutusasutuses Apartment MaRI&BoR võivad vastavalt sinu peatumisele (nt valitud kuupäevadele, hotelli reeglitele jne) varieeruda. Hindade vaatamiseks sisesta soovitud kuupäevad.

    • Majutusasutuses Apartment MaRI&BoR on järgmine magamistubade arv:

      • 1 magamistuba

      Täpsema teabe jaoks vaata palun sellel lehel majutusvalikute ülevaadet.

    • Sisseregistreerimine majutusasutuses Apartment MaRI&BoR algab kella 15.00 ning väljaregistreerimine kestab kuni 11.00.