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Berjarak 18 km dari Sardao Cape dan 30 km dari Benteng Sao Clemente di Sao Teotonio, Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest menawarkan akomodasi dengan WiFi gratis serta taman dengan teras dan pemandangan laut. Tersedia dapur kecil lengkap dan kamar mandi bersama. Sarapan kontinental, vegetarian, atau vegan dapat dinikmati di akomodasi. Kastil Aljezur berjarak 31 km dari perkemahan, sementara Pulau Pessegueiro terletak sejauh 42 km. Bandara terdekat adalah Bandara Faro, 114 km dari Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest.

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Lokasi premium: Tamu terbaru memberi nilai yang tinggi (9,0)

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Kontinental, Vegetarian, Vegan, Sarapan untuk dibawa

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Wi-Fi gratis
Nilai tinggi untuk Sao Teotonio
Pilih topik ulasan yang ingin dibaca:

Lihat yang paling disukai tamu:

  • Vincent
    Belanda Belanda
    I really liked the setup of this cozy caravan with a small kitchen, an outdoor shower and a comfortable bed. And wth abeautiful view as well. The host (Lucie) can provide the ingredients for a dinner and breakfast, which was very welcome as I was...
  • Sandra
    Inggris Raya Inggris Raya
    The caravan is such a beautiful little space, all newly done up, and you can tell it was done with a lot of love, from a really cozy bed to a little book swap corner of international reads. Nice little terrace area in front, too, with tables and...
  • Beatriz
    Portugal Portugal
    Great place to rest in the nature. Lovelly caravan with a lot of confort and a great host!

Dikelola oleh Associacao Monte dos Vagabundos - Santuario Animal

Skor ulasan perusahaan: 9.8Berdasarkan 26 ulasan 1 akomodasi
1 properti yang dikelola

Informasi perusahaan

I personally live on site so will be welcoming you and giving you additional information that you may need (except for late arrivals where you will be given directions to go straight to the caravan). Since the animals are quite time consuming and demanding, I might not always available in a flash but will do my utmost to be there for you when needed and help you find your way around.

Informasi akomodasi

Monte dos Vagabundos is an association which helps animal in needs and offer them refuge when the situation requests it. We do focus on the older dogs, or too traumatised or too handicapped to be adopted. We love all animals without distinction and aim at welcoming more farm animals, like our 5 pot-belly pigs and 1 horse (now in pension so he can be with friends). You will share the property with 2 humans, 22 rescued dogs and 5 rescued pot-belly pigs. The main house is 170 meters away from the caravan and all the doggies are inside a 4-hectare fenced area. We are now offering part of the remaining land to animal lovers wanting to spend a unique experience in a gorgeous setting surrounded by nature and open views to the ocean and amazing sunsets/sunrises. We would be more than happy to share interaction with our animals should you want to come and join us for our daily dog walks (between 13-16 dogs at the time), feeding and hugging our pigs, or helping feed the dogs at night (they all patiently wait for their individual plate: all absolute unique experiences for dog lovers). It goes without saying that despite the distance between you and us and the fact that they are really cool dogs (mostly old, with a few crazy young ones), they all live as part of a clan and run free during the day so you can expect to hear barkings/singings sessions when they get excited for x,y,z reason (you arriving, you leaving, your dog(s) moving around, the neighbour walking by, the cows saying hello, us arriving/us leaving, when they get out of the house in the morning, and evening before dinner). But it normally does not last very long and they are locked inside at night, which normally guarantees you a sound quite night from dusk to dawn. Your dogs (up to 2) are very welcome to stay with you provided they sleep inside the caravan at night, so that our dogs stay calm. 100% of the money we receive from that rental will go back to the running costs of the association.

Informasi lingkungan

This part of Portugal has two seasons, winter (rainy) and summer (dry). We are lucky to live close to the coast so have a much more tempered climate than a few kilometers inland. We are also very lucky to have a land full of water, with a very special biotop (including a marsh, extremely lush in winter with a misture of ferns, reeds, lilies and a large variety of wild flowers) . And the 8 hectares are home to old and young cork and pine trees. Lots of birds and birds of pray (we even have a nest of stokes on the property with stokes sitting from December to April) ROTA VICENTINA We are located 7km from Zambujeira-do-Mar and would be happy to welcome trekkers and your dog(s). We are happy to pick-you up anywhere between Almograve and Odexeice where car access is allowed, for a fee between 10-25 euros depending on the distance. Our check-in time is twelve, allowing you to stop your walk earlier should you be tired walking or should you want to spend time relaxing at your caravan or walking with our doggies or cuddling our pigs. SURFERS We are located in the middle of beautiful beaches which are also high spots for surfers and or body-board (all year, with highlight in automn and spring). Our location allows you to change spots daily :-) - Zambujeira-do-Mar (7km), Carvalhal (15km) and Odeceixe (18km) & Vila nova de Milfontes (28km), Malhao (34km). There are a lot of school options in summer time. Living in our caravan would allow you to let all your equipment dry in the garden and get rinsed with garden water connection OTHER ACTIVITIES Various sports / accompanied outings offered by local shops (bike, surf, skate, slack-line, kayak, etc..) in Zambujeira-do-Mar but that needs to be checked in advance as they are not open all-year. Our animal rescue sanctuary is just 2 kilometers away from the little town of Sao-Teotonio, district of Odemira, part of the 'Alentejo Litoral' as it lays directly north of Algarve, on the south west Atlantic coast.

Bahasa yang digunakan

Bahasa Inggris,Bahasa Prancis,Bahasa Portugis

Lingkungan sekitar properti

Fasilitas Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest
Fasilitasnya luar biasa! Skor ulasan: 9.5

Fasilitas paling populer
  • Parkir gratis
  • WiFi gratis
  • Kamar bebas rokok
  • Sarapan
Kamar Mandi
  • Tisu toilet
  • Handuk
  • Bathtub atau shower
  • Toilet bersama
  • Toilet
  • Kamar mandi bersama
  • Shower
Kamar Tidur
  • Seprai
  • Pemandangan taman
  • Pemandangan laut
  • Pemandangan
  • Perabotan luar ruangan
  • Teras
  • Taman
  • Meja makan
  • Alat bersih-bersih
  • Kompor
  • Peralatan dapur
  • Lemari es
  • Dapur kecil
Amenitas Kamar
  • Stop kontak dekat tempat tidur
  • Rak pengering baju
Hewan peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan diperbolehkan. Tidak dikenakan biaya.
Ruang Tamu
  • Ruang makan
  • Area tempat duduk
Makanan & Minuman
  • Anggur/sampanye
    Biaya tambahan
  • Sarapan dalam kamar
  • Pembuat teh/kopi
Wi-Fi tersedia di seluruh hotel dan tidak dikenai biaya.
Tempat Parkir
Parkir pribadi gratis tersedia di lokasi properti (reservasi tidak diperlukan).
    • Mangkuk hewan peliharaan
    • Keranjang hewan peliharaan
    • Laundry
      Biaya tambahan
    Hiburan dan layanan keluarga
    • Permainan papan/puzzle
    • Pemadam api
    • Alarm asap
    • Bebas rokok di semua ruangan
    • Pemanas ruangan
    • Pintu masuk pribadi
    • Kipas angin
    • Kamar bebas rokok
    Kemudahan akses
    • Semua unit terletak di lantai dasar
    Bahasa yang digunakan
    • Bahasa Inggris
    • Bahasa Prancis
    • Bahasa Portugis

    Aturan menginap
    Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest menerima permintaan khusus - masukkan di langkah berikutnya!

    Dari 15:00 sampai 19:00
    Anda perlu memberi tahu akomodasi terlebih dahulu mengenai waktu kedatangan Anda.

    Dari 07:00 sampai 11:00

    Pembatalan/ prabayar
    Kebijakan pembatalan dan pembayaran di muka bervariasi tergantung tipe akomodasi. Harap masukkan tanggal inap Anda dan periksa ketentuan dari opsi yang Anda butuhkan.

    Anak-anak dan tempat tidur

    Kebijakan anak

    Anak-anak bisa menginap.

    Untuk melihat informasi harga dan okupansi yang tepat, mohon tambahkan jumlah dan usia anak dalam grup Anda di pencarian.

    Kebijakan ranjang bayi dan tempat tidur ekstra

    Tidak tersedia ranjang bayi dan tempat tidur ekstra di akomodasi ini.

    Tanpa batasan usia
    Tidak ada persyaratan usia untuk check-in

    Hewan peliharaan
    Gratis!Hewan peliharaan diperbolehkan. Tidak dikenakan biaya.

    Pembayaran oleh menerima pembayaran atas nama properti untuk masa inap ini, jadi pastikan ketika tiba di sana, Anda memiliki uang tunai jika ada biaya tambahan.

    Kebijakan merokok
    Dilarang merokok.

    Pesta/acara tidak diizinkan.

    Informasi penting
    Informasi penting untuk tamu di akomodasi ini

    1. the glamping area (one caravan, one tent) is on its own 1 hectare plot. You are welcome to take up to 2 dogs but they must be kept inside at night and the caravan area is not fenced.

    2. You will share the property with 2 humans and 27 rescues animals (22 dogs and 5 pot-belly pigs), but we all live in a 4ha fenced area, 180 away from the caravan.

    3. While our doggies are happy and free to run all day long, you can expect to hear barkings/singings sessions when they get excited for x,y,z reason (you arriving, you leaving, your dog(s) moving around, the cows saying hello, us arriving/leaving, etc....). But it normally does not last very long before they calm down again. During the night, they are locked up and sleep through so you wont be disturbed.

    4. Our shared ablution block is semi-open and with dry toilets (emptied daily). While ablution block will be cleaned daily, we will only come clean the caravan on request.

    Harap beri tahu pihak Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest terlebih dahulu mengenai perkiraan waktu kedatangan Anda.

    Akomodasi ini tidak mengizinkan pesta bujang atau sejenisnya.

    Properti ini telah menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak memerlukan lisensi atau pendaftaran rental jangka pendek

    Pertanyaan Umum tentang Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest

    • Check-in di Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest dari jam 15.00, dan check-out hingga 11.00.

    • Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest menawarkan aktivitas/layanan berikut (mungkin dikenakan biaya):

      • Harga di Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest mungkin berbeda tergantung masa inap Anda (mis. tanggal pilihan, kebijakan hotel, dll). Lihat harga dengan memasukkan tanggal.

      • Monte dos Vagabundos - Animal Sanctuary - Caravan nest berjarak hanya 2 km dari pusat Sao Teotonio. Semua jarak diukur dalam garis lurus. Jarak sebenarnya mungkin berbeda.