Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse asub Siquijoris. Külalistemajal on tasuta eraparkla, pakihoid ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Külalistemajas on peretoad. Mõnel majutusruumil on merevaatega terrass, köök koos kõige vajalikuga ja privaatne dušiga vannituba. Külalised saavad einestada kohapealses peresõbralikus restoranis, mis on avatud õhtusöögi, lõuna- ja hilisõhtu ning kokteilide ajal. Külalistemajas saavad külalised joogatundidest osa võtta. Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse pakub ka vabas õhus mängimise varustust. Külalised saavad lõõgastuda aias. Sibulani lennujaam jääb 60 km kaugusele.

Majutuse asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 9,4.

Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid

Majutusasutuse parimad palad

Parim asukoht: hiljuti külastanute poolt kõrgelt hinnatud (9,5)

Tasuta privaatne parkimine kohapeal


Vali kuupäevad, et näha majutusasutuse saadavust ja hindu

Külastajate arv
1 kaheinimesevoodi
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi
2 kaheinimesevoodit
1 kaheinimesevoodi
2 üheinimesevoodit
1 kaheinimesevoodi
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Külastajate jäetud arvustused


Hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe
Tasuta WiFi
Kõrge hinne sihtkoha Siquijor kohta

Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda

Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev

  • Emalyn
    Kanada Kanada
    Ambiance so relaxing,staff very accommodating easy to count on.
  • Zita
    Belgia Belgia
    We booked a tent for one night and got upgraded to one of the huts with a view! Very sweet. View and sunset are amazing. Very calm and quiet place and very helpful staff. Just up the hill from the port so very easy to reach!
  • Shanequa
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    What an amazing start to our time on this beautiful island! We arrived at the port with Anne waiting for us; we arrived to her beautiful home to be shown around, provided with an upgraded room and an invitation to spend Christmas together with her...
  • Wilma
    Rootsi Rootsi
    We had the best stay ever! The staff are the most amazing people, so kind, helpful and welcoming. We celebrated Christmas with them and they made us feel like one in the family. They have a special place in our hearts ❤️ Highly recommend !!!
  • Isabel
    Hispaania Hispaania
    The location of the place is just amazing!! The staff is just amazing!! The rooms are just amazing!!! So our stay was simply amazing! Also the nice vibe around the people staying there, thank you very very much and also for how easy you made...
  • Anja
    Norra Norra
    Amazing view and people! Good WiFi and private rooms with fan. It can get a bit hot in the rooms in the daytime, but simply step outside and chill in the restaurant/bar where the breeze cools you down. Very nice food and the most amazing and...
  • Barrionuevo
    Argentina Argentina
    The owners’ attention was wonderful; we truly felt very comfortable at all times. They even took us to the terminal to catch the boat. They were so kind that it makes you want to stay for more days. The view is spectacular, the photos don’t do...
  • Morgane
    Prantsusmaa Prantsusmaa
    I had a wonderful time in the mountains with Ann and her family. She is nice and generous, with a big Philippino heart. She made me feel at home straight. The view is breathtaking. The room and comfortable and very clean. Plus the food is good....
  • Laura
    Malta Malta
    View is amazing , staff are super friendly , food was also very good !:) will go again for sure 10/10 . :)
  • Markus
    Tšiili Tšiili
    The view is all we needed in the mornings, very peaceful. The place is new so there is a lot room to improve but the owners are very kind, gave us tips and were very kind!

Seda haldab June Anne Marie Thornton

Ettevõtte arvustuste hinne: 9,5Põhineb 68 arvustusel 1 majutusasutuselt
1 hallatavalt majutusasutuselt

Ettevõtte andmed

Welcome to Thornton’s Sea View in Siquijor, Siquijor, Philippines - your idyllic retreat nestled in the mountains, where nature meets serenity. Our establishment offers a unique experience just 5 minutes from the port, with transfers available upon request. Property Features: Ocean View Rooms: Choose from various room options, all offering breathtaking views of the ocean. Let the sounds of nature lull you to sleep and wake up each morning to a breathtaking panorama. On-Site Restaurant: Our restaurant provides a 'farm to table' culinary experience, serving breakfast from 9 AM to dinner at 7 PM. Enjoy your meals while admiring the stunning sunsets that paint the horizon. Sunset Watching: The establishment is the perfect spot for sunset watching. Immerse yourself in the peaceful and magical atmosphere of the mountains as the sun sets behind the ocean. Away from the hustle and bustle, our establishment offers a tranquil setting for a relaxing getaway. Yoga Classes: Reconnect your mind and body with our yoga classes held on Saturdays at 5 PM and Mondays at 9 AM. Let the serenity of our natural surroundings guide you through a rejuvenating practice. Wellness Days with Céline: Upon request, organize a wellness day with Céline, our coach, therapist, and yoga instructor. Dive into a holistic experience to revitalize your body and mind in Siquijor, known as the 'Island of Healers.' Guided Tours: Explore the wonders of Siquijor with our guided tours. Discover the hidden gems of the island under the guidance of an experienced local guide. Offering the perfect blend of comfort, nature, and tranquility, Thornton’s Sea View is the ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful escape. Book now for a memorable experience in Siquijor.

Majutusasutuse teave

Welcome to Thornton’s Sea View in Siquijor, Siquijor, Philippines - your idyllic retreat nestled in the mountains, where nature meets serenity. Our establishment offers a unique experience just 5 minutes from the port, with transfers available upon request. Property Features: Ocean View Rooms: Choose from various room options, all offering breathtaking views of the ocean. Let the sounds of nature lull you to sleep and wake up each morning to a breathtaking panorama. On-Site Restaurant: Our restaurant provides a 'farm to table' culinary experience, serving breakfast from 9 AM to dinner at 7 PM. Enjoy your meals while admiring the stunning sunsets that paint the horizon. Sunset Watching: The establishment is the perfect spot for sunset watching. Immerse yourself in the peaceful and magical atmosphere of the mountains as the sun sets behind the ocean. Away from the hustle and bustle, our establishment offers a tranquil setting for a relaxing getaway. Yoga Classes: Reconnect your mind and body with our yoga classes held on Saturdays at 5 PM and Mondays at 9 AM. Let the serenity of our natural surroundings guide you through a rejuvenating practice. Wellness Days with Céline: Upon request, organize a wellness day with Céline, our coach, therapist, and yoga instructor. Dive into a holistic experience to revitalize your body and mind in Siquijor, known as the 'Island of Healers.' Guided Tours: Explore the wonders of Siquijor with our guided tours. Discover the hidden gems of the island under the guidance of an experienced local guide. Offering the perfect blend of comfort, nature, and tranquility, Thornton’s Sea View is the ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful escape. Book now for a memorable experience in Siquijor.

Räägitavad keeled


Majutusasutuse ümbrus

Kohapeal 1 restoran

  • Restaurant
    • Köök
      Kohalik köök • Rahvusvaheline köök • Euroopa köök
    • Einestamisvõimalused
      Hommikusöök • Brunch • Lõunasöök • Õhtusöök • Kellaviietee • Kokteilitund
    • Õhkkond
      Peresõbralik • Traditsiooniline • Romantiline
    • Eridieedid

Majutusasutuses Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse pakutavad mugavused

Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused

  • Tasuta Wi-Fi
  • Tasuta parkimine
  • Toateenindus
  • Toad mittesuitsetajatele
  • Restoran
  • Peretoad


  • Välimööbel
  • Päikeseterrass
  • Terrass
  • Aed

Lemmikloomad on lubatud. Lisatasu puudub.


  • Kohalikku kultuuri tutvustav ekskursioon või loeng
    Lisatasu eest

Toit ja jook

  • Kohvik (kohapeal)
  • Puuviljad
    Lisatasu eest
  • Eridieetide menüüd (taotluse alusel)
  • Snäkibaar
  • Hommikusöök toas

WiFi-ühendus on saadaval terves hotellis ja on tasuta.

Tasuta privaatne parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole vajalik).


    • Transporditeenus
      Lisatasu eest
    • Lemmikloomade toidukausid
    • Concierge-teenus
    • Pagasihoid
    • Toidupakk lõunaks
    • Pesumaja
      Lisatasu eest
    • Toateenindus

    Meelelahutus ja teenused peredele

    • Lastele mõeldud varustus õues mängimiseks
    • Lauamängud/pusled


    • Ligipääs võtmega


    • Suitsetamiseks ettenähtud kohad
    • Peretoad
    • Toad mittesuitsetajatele


    • Joogatunnid

    Personal kõneleb

    • inglise
    • filipino

    Tähtis teada
    Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!

    Tühistamine/ ettemakse
    Tühistamise ja ettemakse reeglid võivad sõltuvalt majutustüübist erineda. Palun sisesta oma peatumise kuupäevad ja kontrolli soovitud valiku tingimusi.
    Lapsed ja voodid

    Laste majutamise reeglid

    Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.

    Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.

    Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid

    Selles majutusasutuses pole laste- ja lisavoodid saadaval.

    Vanusepiirangut ei ole
    Sisseregistreerimisele ei kehti vanusepiirangut
    Tasuta!Lemmikloomad on lubatud. Lisatasu puudub.
    Vaid sularaha
    Selles majutusasutuses saab maksta vaid sularahas.

    Juriidiline teave

    Seda majutusasutust haldab eravõõrustaja. Professionaalseid võõrustajaid puudutav EL-i tarbijakaitseseadus ei pruugi kehtida.

    KKK majutusasutuse Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse kohta

    • Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse asub koha Siquijor keskusest 2,5 km kaugusel. Kõik vahemaad on mõõdetud linnulennult. Tegelikud vahemaad võivad erineda.

    • Tubade valikud majutusasutuses Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse:

      • Kaheinimesetuba (ühe kaheinimesevoodiga)
      • Peretuba
      • Telkmajutus
      • Bangalo
    • Majutusasutuses Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse pakutakse järgnevaid tegevusi/teenuseid (kohalduda võivad lisatasud):

      • Kohalikku kultuuri tutvustav ekskursioon või loeng
      • Joogatunnid
    • Majutusasutuses Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse on 1 restoran:

      • Restaurant
    • Hinnad majutusasutuses Thornton's Sea View Cafe & Guesthouse võivad vastavalt sinu peatumisele (nt valitud kuupäevadele, hotelli reeglitele jne) varieeruda. Hindade vaatamiseks sisesta soovitud kuupäevad.