Alternative Space B & B is set a 5-minute drive from the centre of Swakopmund. This arty and alternative bed and breakfast offers unique accommodation. Each room at Alternative Space is individually decorated with art pieces, portraits and photography. The rooms have a bathroom and linen and towels as well as a hair dryer are provided. To respect guest's privacy, rooms are not being entered during their stay. A basic, self-help breakfast is available in the mornings and restaurants and cafes are within 5 minutes' drive. There is a communal lounge, a library and a kitchen area. Sculptures, expressionist and unusual art pieces can be found around the property and in the garden. Free WiFi is provided in common areas and private parking is available on site. Kristall Galerie and Hohenzollernhaus are both within 5 minutes' drive and the National Marine Aquarium is 3 km away.

Parom je posebej všeč lokacija – podali so ji oceno 8,8 za potovanja v dvoje.

Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.

Prednosti nastanitve

Naj lokacija - Visoko ocenjena s strani nedavnih gostov (8,8)

Se želite dobro naspati? Postelje v tej nastanitvi so bile ocenjene kot izjemno udobne.

Informacije o zajtrku

Kontinentalni, Vegetarijanski, Veganski, Samopostrežni, Zajtrk za na pot

Brezplačno zasebno parkirišče v sklopu nastanitve


Izberite datume, da bi videli razpoložljivost in cene te nastanitve

Vrsta sobe
Število gostov
1 enojna postelja
2 enojni postelji
1 zakonska postelja
1 zakonska postelja
2 enojni postelji
1 zakonska postelja
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Komentarji gostov


Razmerje cena / kvaliteta
Brezplačen WiFi
Visoka ocena za mesto Swakopmund

Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:

Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj

  • Sebastian
    Zambija Zambija
    Very friendly couple who run the place - they made you feel at ease in the space and were very accommodating. The rooms were beautiful and furnished very well (the entire space was eclectic, but cosey and did not feel out of place). The breakfast...
  • Veii
    Namibija Namibija
    Definitely liked the art pieces on the walls. The room ad a lovely romantic feel to it so it was perfect.
  • Dmitriy
    Rusija Rusija
    Space is great. Its very interesting and beautiful place where you feel good. There are a lot of paintings and interersting items. Breakfast is very delitious. You can take fruits when you want. Also big respect for Cristmas dinner, it was very...
  • Monica
    Namibija Namibija
    We mostly enjoyed the arts , the friendly staff and the different games in our rooms.
  • Xavier
    Švica Švica
    Great place with great vibes, great people - like home, deeply recommend ! Take care of you guys 💓
  • Eddy
    Belgija Belgija
    A most original and alternative accomodation, where we felt comfortable from the first moment. Our chat with Frenus gave it that extra dimension.
  • Rob
    Nizozemska Nizozemska
    Clean place and abundant breakfast. The owners were extremely helpful. Offered to drop us off at the main square wherever had dinner en next day when I had a flat gyre, they were extremely helpful in getting us on the go with minimum time loss
  • Joseph
    Finska Finska
    Breakfast was fantastic, lots of options. Location of the property was also great. Property feels safe and is kept clean. Host readily available to help.
  • Colin
    Nemčija Nemčija
    Awesome place. Creative design and very friendly hosts.
  • Quality
    Namibija Namibija
    Good variety on breakfast. Location is good, staff is superb and ready to host clients 100%

Ocena kakovosti je kakovosti te nastanitve podelil oceno 3 od 5 na podlagi dejavnikov, kot so oprema, velikost, lokacija in ponujene storitve.

Gostitelj: Sibylle Rorich

Ocena gostitelja
Ocena gostitelja
Sibylle Rorich
Please note that our place is not suitable for people which are miserable and find pictures of nudity and mixed race relationship offensive. Also note that our breakfast is on a self serve basic. Please be aware that we respect people’s privacy by not entering their rooms during their entire stay. In other words: We will not making your bed . Please be aware of this. Our place might also not be very suitable for people of the SADEC countries because we do not provide room service, a refrigerator in the room, air condition and a swimming pool. Please think twice before booking a room at the Alternative Space B & B. We are very proud of the fact that our place has been termed Primitive. Please note that only Hippies and friends are welcome in our place!!!! Please note that our place is not suitable for people which are miserable and find pictures of nudity and mixed race relationship offensive. Also note that our breakfast is on a self serve basic. Please be aware that we respect people’s privacy by not entering their rooms during their entire stay. In other words: We will not making your bed . Please be aware of this. Our place might also not be very suitabl
Please note that our place is not suitable for people which are miserable and find pictures of nudity and mixed race relationship offensive. Also note that our breakfast is on a self serve basic. Please be aware that we respect people’s privacy by not entering their rooms during their entire stay. In other words: We will not making your bed . Please be aware of this. Our place might also not be very suitable for people of the SADEC countries because we do not provide room service, a refrigerator in the room, air condition and a swimming pool. Please think twice before booking a room at the Alternative Space B & B. We are very proud of the fact that our place has been termed Primitive. Please note that only Hippies and friends are welcome in our place!!!!
Please note that our place is not suitable for people which are miserable and find pictures of nudity and mixed race relationship offensive. Also note that our breakfast is on a self serve basic. Please be aware that we respect people’s privacy by not entering their rooms during their entire stay. In other words: We will not making your bed . Please be aware of this. Our place might also not be very suitable for people of the sadec countries because we do not provide room service, a refrigerator in the room, air condition and a swimming pool. Please think twice before booking a room with us. We are very proud of the fact that our place has been termed Primitive. Please note that only Hippies and friends are welcome in our place!!!!
Jezika, ki ju v nastanitvi govorijo: nemščina,angleščina

Okolica nastanitve

Storitve nastanitve Alternative Space B & B
Odlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 9.2

Najbolj priljubljene storitve

  • Brezplačno parkiranje
  • Družinske sobe
  • Sobe za nekadilce
  • Oprema za pripravo čaja/kave v vseh sobah


  • Toaletni papir
  • Brisače
  • Kad ali prha
  • Lastna kopalnica
  • WC
  • Sušilec za lase
  • Prha


  • Posteljnina

Na prostem

  • Kamin na prostem
  • Vrt


  • Skupna kuhinja

Hrana in pijača

  • Oprema za pripravo čaja/kave

Dober brezplačen WiFi 24 Mbps. Primeren je za pretakanje vsebin HD in opravljanje videoklicev. Test hitrosti je izvedel gostitelj.

Brezplačno privatno parkirišče je na voljo pri hotelu (rezervacija ni potrebna).

  • Storitev parkiranja vozila
  • Parkirišče za invalide


  • Skupen salon/TV
  • Zasebna prijava/odjava
  • Pralnica perila

Recepcija s storitvami

  • Račun na zahtevo


  • Električna grelna odeja
  • Zaseben vhod
  • Družinske sobe
  • Sobe za nekadilce

Pogovarjamo se lahko v:

  • nemščina
  • angleščina

Hišni red
Alternative Space B & B sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!

Od 12:00 do 22:00
Nastanitev morate vnaprej obvestiti o času prihoda.
Od 05:00 do 10:00
Odpoved / predplačila
Pravila o odpovedi in predplačilu se razlikujejo glede na vrsto nastanitve. Prosimo, vnesite datume svojega bivanja in preverite pravila za želeno možnost.
Otroci in ležišča

Pravila glede otrok

Otroci, stari 2 leti in več, so dobrodošli.

Za otroke, stare 13 let in več, se bivanje v tej nastanitvi zaračuna enako kot za odrasle.

Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.

Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč

2 - 12 let
Dodatno ležišče na zahtevo
NAD 400 na otroka na noč

Cene za dodatna ležišča niso vključene v skupno ceno. Zanje plačate posebej med bivanjem v nastanitvi.

Število dovoljenih dodatnih ležišč je odvisno od možnosti, ki jo izberete. Za več informacij preverite možnost, ki ste jo izbrali.

V tej nastanitvi otroške postelje niso na voljo.

Vsa dodatna ležišča so odvisna od razpoložljivosti.

Brez starostnih omejitev
Za prijavo ni starostnih omejitev
Hišni ljubljenčki
Hišni ljubljenčki niso dovoljeni.
Sprejete vrste plačila
Kajenje ni dovoljeno.
Zabave/dogodki niso dovoljeni
Nočni mir
Gostje ne smejo kaliti nočnega miru med 21:00 in 06:00.

Ključne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi

Please note that nude art and photography is being displayed inside the rooms, in and around the property which might be offensive to sensitive viewers.

Please note that there is no room and cleaning service.

Nastanitev Alternative Space B & B vnaprej obvestite o predvidenem času prihoda. To lahko med rezervacijo vpišete v okence za posebne zahteve ali pa kontaktirate nastanitev. Kontaktni podatki so na voljo v potrditvi rezervacije.

V tej nastanitvi ne sprejemajo fantovščin, dekliščin ali podobnih zabav.

Nočni mir velja med 21:00:00 in 06:00:00.

Pravne informacije

To nastanitev upravlja profesionalni gostitelj. Ta oznaka nima nobenega pomena z vidika davkov, vključno z DDV in drugimi 'posrednimi davki', vendar jo zahteva potrošniška zakonodaja EU. Več informacij o gostitelju najdete tukaj: .

Pogosta vprašanja glede nastanitve Alternative Space B & B

  • Cene v nastanitvi Alternative Space B & B so odvisne od vašega bivanja (npr. izbranih datumov, pravil hotela itd.). Cene boste videli, če vnesete datume.

  • Nastanitev Alternative Space B & B je 2,4 km oddaljena od središča mesta Swakopmund. Vse razdalje so merjene v zračni liniji. Dejanske potovalne razdalje se lahko razlikujejo.

  • V nastanitvi Alternative Space B & B prijava poteka od 12.00, odjava pa do 10.00.

  • Nastanitev Alternative Space B & B ponuja naslednje aktivnosti oz. storitve (morda je zanje treba doplačati):

    • Gostom, ki bivajo v nastanitvi Alternative Space B & B, je na voljo visoko ocenjen zajtrk (ocena gostov: 9.8).

      Možnosti zajtrka vključujejo:

      • Kontinentalni
      • Vegetarijanski
      • Veganski
      • Samopostrežni
      • Zajtrk za na pot
    • Možnosti sob v nastanitvi Alternative Space B & B vključujejo:

      • Enoposteljna soba
      • Soba z zakonsko posteljo ali dvema enojnima posteljama
      • Dvoposteljna soba
      • Štiriposteljna soba