Aia ja aiavaatega Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay on hiljuti renoveeritud külalistemaja, mis asub Madikeris, 16 km kaugusel Madikeri kindlusest. Terrassiga majutusasutuses on tasuta eraparkla ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Külalistemajas on peretoad. Külalistemaja tubades on kirjutuslaud, lameekraaniga televiisor, privaatne vannituba, voodipesu ja rätikud. Igal majutusruumil on mäevaatega rõdu, kus on väljas asuv einestamisnurk. Kõikides külalistemaja tubades on istumisnurk. Raja Seat on külalistemajast 17 km kaugusel ning Abbi joad on 22 km kaugusel. Kannuri rahvusvaheline lennujaam jääb 80 km kaugusele.

Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid

Majutusasutuse parimad palad

Parim asukoht: hiljuti külastanute poolt kõrgelt hinnatud (8,7)

Tasuta privaatne parkimine kohapeal


Vali kuupäevad, et näha majutusasutuse saadavust ja hindu

Külastajate arv
1 üheinimesevoodi
1 lai kaheinimesevoodi
1 üheinimesevoodi
1 kaheinimesevoodi
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Külastajate jäetud arvustused


Hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe

Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda

Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev

  • Shrirame
    India India
    Really good stay! Very homely atmosphere and the owner was very friendly and staff was helpful. The plantation around the stay was soo beautiful, perfect to take a stroll around and experience the nature.
  • Priyankita
    India India
    Although the homestay is in a remote location, but the stay in it was great.It was like a home away from home.The rooms were clean and tidy.All our needs were fulfilled by the lady caretaker.Whatever we needed,she made sure to provide it.The meals...
  • Suraj
    India India
    I liked the homely food, clean rooms and prompt service provided by the caretaker Pushpa. The drive to property is an experience that you shouldn't miss, nested in nature away from the city.
  • Bhanu
    India India
    The View, the rooms, the road to go there, the coffee estate, the cleanliness, the homely feel, the food, the hospitality of staff what not? Everthing is amazing here. The homely hospitality of the
  • Sabuj
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Nice location among plantation, clean rooms, friendly and helpful host and staff
  • Chukkath
    India India
    Very nice and excellent stay. Staff are very friendly, we feel like home. Good service enjoyed the stay very much. Must stay spot in Coorg and it's away from all the town noises and busy routes,which it's name say so as Ecobreeze
  • Pushpalatha
    India India
    Care taker Vishal has been very helpful. Though we reached the location at 1AM he was very obedient and down to earth to help us check in at night without any hassle. Breakfast was super yummy and homely. Would definitely recommend this place to...
  • Jaibharath
    India India
    I stayed there for 4 days the location is awesome.The room was very clean and comfortable the view outside from the room was excellent. The staff was very friendly and the owner Rajesh is extremely warm and welcoming. We had a great time to talk...
  • Suraj
    India India
    The overall stay was pleasant and relieving. Good space to spend your vacation away from home. The owner and staff were very welcoming and helpful.
  • Steve
    Ameerika Ühendriigid Ameerika Ühendriigid
    Excellent hospitality, Lots of space in room and with common area

Kvaliteedihinne on andnud sellele majutusasutusele viiepallisüsteemis kvaliteedihindeks 3, tuginedes teguritele, nagu mugavused, suurus, asukoht ja teenused.

Võõrustaja: Rajesh P R

Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Rajesh P R
Nestled within the lush green expanse of our thriving coffee plantation, Coorg Estate Breeze stands as a testament to the tranquil beauty of Coorg's landscape. A haven of serenity, this charming homestay offers an enchanting escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Surrounded by verdant coffee trees, the estate emanates a soothing aroma, enveloping guests in the essence of nature. Each morning, the melody of chirping birds greets you as you step out onto your private veranda, sipping your freshly brewed coffee while admiring the mist-kissed hills that stretch as far as the eye can see. At Coorg Estate Breeze, hospitality takes center stage. Our dedicated staff is committed to ensuring that every aspect of your stay is seamless and memorable. With warm smiles and a personalized touch, we embrace you as part of our extended family. From the moment you arrive, you are welcomed with open arms and a refreshing beverage, whisking away any traces of fatigue. Accommodation options are designed to blend rustic charm with modern comfort. Cozy cottages and spacious rooms are adorned with local craftsmanship and tasteful décor, offering a sense of intimacy while providing all the amenities needed for a luxurious stay. As the sun sets, you can unwind by the crackling fireplace, sharing stories and laughter with fellow travelers. Adventures abound for those seeking outdoor excitement. Guided walks through the coffee plantation offer an insight into the art of coffee cultivation. Whether you're a lone traveler, a couple seeking romance, or a family yearning for quality time, Coorg Estate Breeze offers an enchanting respite. As the sun paints the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a golden glow upon the landscape, you'll realize that every moment spent here is a treasure. Immerse yourself in the charm of our coffee-scented haven, where nature's embrace and heartfelt hospitality create memories that linger long after you bid farewell.
🌿 * Coorg Ecobreeze - Managed by Dr. Ayurvedic Doctor, wife of Rajesh, Engineer** Host offers a variety of guest houses, Coorg Northbreeze. City view Coorg Nature Breeze , Coorg Woodbreeze Wooden house in plantation. each one designed to provide a serene and eco-conscious experience. From the simplicity of our rooms to the breathtaking views of nature. 🌱 **Organic Commitment:** We practice organic cultivation of coffee, pepper, and cardamom, ensuring that our guests enjoy the finest produce while supporting sustainable farming. 🤝 **Community Engagement:** Our commitment to society extends beyond our guest houses. Coorg Ecobreeze actively collaborates with organizations like the Rotary Foundation, Red Cross, and other Parishads, making a positive impact in the community. This addition highlights the unique management team and their areas of expertise, further enhancing the appeal of Coorg Ecobreeze.
Nestled within the heart of a thriving coffee plantation, Coorg Estate Breeze Homestay offers a serene retreat in the midst of nature's beauty. Surrounded by the lush greenery of coffee trees, this charming haven invites you to experience the tranquility and authenticity of Coorg's landscape. The neighborhood is a tapestry of emerald hues, with rolling hills covered in coffee bushes that exude a soothing aroma. Here, guests are enveloped in a world of calm, where the gentle rustling of leaves and the melodious chirping of birds create a symphony of relaxation. Coorg Estate Breeze Homestay is more than just accommodation; it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the coffee-growing community, offering a glimpse into the artistry and dedication behind each cup of the region's renowned brew.
Personal kõneleb: keeltinglise,hindi

Majutusasutuse ümbrus

Majutusasutuses Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay pakutavad mugavused
Suurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 8.5

Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused

  • Tasuta parkimine
  • Peretoad
  • Tasuta Wi-Fi
  • Toad mittesuitsetajatele
  • Tee/kohvi valmistamise võimalus kõigis tubades
  • Hommikusöök


  • Tualettpaber
  • Rätikud
  • Privaatne vannituba
  • Tualettruum
  • Tasuta tualetitarbed
  • Dušš


  • Voodipesu


  • Vaade mägedele
  • Aiavaade
  • Vaade


  • Väljas einestamise võimalus
  • Rõdu
  • Terrass
  • Aed


  • Söögilaud
  • Veekeetja

Mugavused toas

  • Riidenagi

Lemmikloomad on lubatud sooviavalduse esitamise korral. Võidakse kohaldada lisatasu.


  • Istumisnurk
  • Töölaud

Meedia ja tehnika

  • Lameekraaniga televiisor

Toit ja jook

  • Tee- ja kohvimasin

WiFi-ühendus on saadaval avalikes kohtades ja on tasuta.

Tasuta privaatne parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole vajalik).


    • Ventilaator
    • Peretoad
    • Toad mittesuitsetajatele

    Personal kõneleb

    • inglise
    • hindi

    Tähtis teada
    Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!

    Alates 12:00 kuni 21:00
    Alates 05:30 kuni 11:00
    Tühistamine/ ettemakse
    Tühistamise ja ettemakse reeglid võivad sõltuvalt majutustüübist erineda. Palun sisesta oma peatumise kuupäevad ja kontrolli soovitud valiku tingimusi.
    Lapsed ja voodid

    Laste majutamise reeglid

    Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.

    18-aastastele ja vanematele lastele kehtivad selles majutusasutuses täiskasvanute hinnad.

    Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.

    Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid

    Lubatud lastevoodite hulk oleneb sinu tehtavast valikust. Lisateabeks vaata palun tehtud toavalikut.

    Selles majutusasutuses ei ole lisavoodid saadaval.

    Lastevoodid olenevad saadavusest.

    Sisseregistreerimiseks peab olema vähemalt 18 aasta vanune
    Lemmikloomad on lubatud sooviavalduse esitamise korral. Võidakse kohaldada lisatasu.
    Broneerides enam kui 3 tuba, võivad kehtida teised reeglid ja lisatasud.
    Vaid sularaha
    Selles majutusasutuses saab maksta vaid sularahas.
    Suitsetamine ei ole lubatud.
    Külastajad peavad vaikselt olema ajavahemikus 23:00–06:00.

    Kasulik teada
    Selle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad

    Öörahu on ajavahemikus 23:00:00–06:00:00.

    Juriidiline teave

    Seda majutusasutust haldab eravõõrustaja. Professionaalseid võõrustajaid puudutav EL-i tarbijakaitseseadus ei pruugi kehtida.

    KKK majutusasutuse Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay kohta

    • Majutusasutuses Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay pakutakse järgnevaid tegevusi/teenuseid (kohalduda võivad lisatasud):

      • Jah, Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay on populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad peatumisi perele.

      • Hinnad majutusasutuses Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay võivad vastavalt sinu peatumisele (nt valitud kuupäevadele, hotelli reeglitele jne) varieeruda. Hindade vaatamiseks sisesta soovitud kuupäevad.

      • Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay asub koha Madikeri keskusest 9 km kaugusel. Kõik vahemaad on mõõdetud linnulennult. Tegelikud vahemaad võivad erineda.

      • Sisseregistreerimine majutusasutuses Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay algab kella 12.00 ning väljaregistreerimine kestab kuni 11.00.

      • Tubade valikud majutusasutuses Coorg Northbreeze Estate stay:

        • Kolmeinimesetuba
        • Kaheinimesetuba (ühe kaheinimesevoodiga)