Willowbank Sheppherds hut pakub jõevaatega majutust koos terrassi ja veekeetjaga. Woodlandsi loss on umbes 5 km kaugusel. Majutusasutusel on terrass ja tasuta eraparkla. Apartemendis on istumisnurk, einestamisnurk ning kööginurk, kus on praeahi, röster ja külmkapp. Talumajutuses on piknikuala. Willowbank Shepherds hut pakub grillimisvõimalust ja aeda, mida külalised saavad ilusa ilmaga nautida. Wellsi katedraal on 39 km kaugusel ning Tivertoni loss on 41 km kaugusel. Lähim lennujaam on Exeteri rahvusvaheline lennujaam, mis jääb majutusasutusest Willowbank Sheppherds hut 59 km kaugusele.

Majutuse asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 10,0.

Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid

Majutusasutuse parimad palad

Parim asukoht: hiljuti külastanute poolt kõrgelt hinnatud (10,0)

Tasuta privaatne parkimine kohapeal


Vali kuupäevad, et näha majutusasutuse saadavust ja hindu

Külastajate arv
1 lai kaheinimesevoodi
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Külastajate jäetud arvustused


Hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe
Kõrge hinne sihtkoha Taunton kohta

Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda

Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev

  • Daisy
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Gorgeous cabin, breathtaking views, and lovely animals! The host thought of absolutely everything to make a perfect experience
  • Amanda
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Kate and Joe have thought of everything! What a wonderful two nights we spent at their shepherds hut. We loved the hot tub, the fire pit, the deck areas, the comfy bed, seeing the horses, goats and sheep!
  • Aaron
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Upon arrival on site I had been given a text on where to park etc and Joe had been welcoming, you’ll receive a pack of information soon as you walk in and are welcomed with biscuits and milk to keep you going for your duration, very welcoming and...
  • Adam
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Everything! For half an hour on arrival we were marvelling at the attention to beautiful details inside and out, and the gorgeous, peaceful views. It is a very comfortable and clean place and a happy and delightful experience to be here. We kept...
  • Stacey
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Everything, couldn’t have asked for better , the bed was so comfortable, best nights sleep I’ve had for a year and a half. Kate was very welcoming and helpful, also let us check out later. We will be back.
  • Philip
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    The location, the peace and quiet and the host was brilliant.
  • Jess
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    The farm was adorable, the bed was incredibly comfy (I looked at the labels on the pillow to find out the make!) and the shower was hot. The host left us some eggs, biscuits and milk ready so our stay was really easy. Overall an excellent little...
  • David
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    The hut is incredibly well designed, had everything we needed for our stay and is in a special location. We would definitely like to return.
  • Carol
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Willowbank is located in a peaceful, elevated, countryside location, overlooking the Somerset levels. Kate and her family are very welcoming. Free firewood is provided for the indoor wood burner and outdoor firepit. Eggs, milk and marshmallows...
  • Diane
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    The quietness was so very beautiful it was beyond anything I have experienced. I loved everything ❤️


Booking.com on andnud sellele majutusasutusele viiepallisüsteemis kvaliteedihindeks 4, tuginedes teguritele, nagu mugavused, suurus, asukoht ja teenused.

Võõrustaja: Willowbank shepherds hut

Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Willowbank shepherds hut
Willowbank was built frame upwards by ourselves over the last year on our small farm. It’s positioned in an elevated area so you can enjoy the views over the Somerset Levels including the main train line, Burrow Mump and Glastonbury Tor on a clear day! The hut has been built with love to reflect what we want from a holiday including a sumptuous woollen duvet and pillows and quality cotton sheets all on a Relyon king size bed. We have used Farrow and Ball paint to decorate and used recycled wood/fixtures as much as possible to reflect the oldy worldy theme of the property. The hut is alongside our farm but it is peaceful and you will not be bothered unless you need us! We have dogs, cats, horses and sheep along with the fabulous wildlife that thrive in the area. The local shop with post office is 5 minutes away. The magnificent River Tone is a 5 minute walk where you have a high chance of seeing otters and teems of wild birds as well as fabulous fishing! Please note that the hut is sited near to our farmhouse but secluded enough that you have privacy.
We look forward to welcoming you to our farm for your stay in Willowbank. We are a family here with my parents living in the converted milking parlour so you will see a few of us discreetly around. We are a farm so please bear in mind you will hear the animals but it will not impact on your stay. Joe is an avid fisherman so can give advice on the best local spots and Kate is a biker so can point you in the direction of some fab rides! It’s a very peaceful place here and a friend offers wildlife spotting tours across the levels on request. We have provided binoculars so you can indulge in some bird watching whilst you stay with us. Please feel free to message me with questions as we want you to be happy with your stay and will do all we can to make it so.
There are local bird reservations where you can sit in a peaceful hide and enjoy the multitude of birds that visit here. Taunton is our local town with multiple supermarket,shops, cinema, eateries and a farmers market on Thursdays. Langport is 8 miles away and is a sweet town with some nice shops and lovely walks alongside the river. Glastonbury Tor (which you can see whilst on the loo!) is a must visit as well as the stunning Abbey in the town and Burrow Mump is on the way and well worth a hike upto the church ruins which give stunning views. The main train station is in Taunton and the trains can be seen regularly passing approximately a mile away and occasionally a special steam train will chuff along! There is a bus service from North Curry village which is around 5 minutes away so a car is necessary if you wish to get out and about.
Personal kõneleb keeltinglise

Majutusasutuse ümbrus

Majutusasutuses Willowbank shepherds hut pakutavad mugavused
Suurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 10

Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused

  • Tasuta parkimine
  • Toad mittesuitsetajatele


  • Tualettpaber
  • Rätikud
  • Vann või dušš
  • Sussid
  • Privaatne vannituba
  • Tualettruum
  • Tasuta tualetitarbed
  • Hommikumantel
  • Dušš


  • Voodipesu


  • Vaade vaatamisväärsusele
  • Aiavaade
  • Vaade


  • Piknikuala
  • Välimööbel
  • Väljas einestamise võimalus
  • Päikeseterrass
  • Grill
  • Grillimisvõimalus
  • Siseõu
  • Terrass
  • Aed


  • Söögilaud
  • Puhastusvahendid
  • Röster
  • Pliit
  • Ahi
  • Köögiriistad
  • Veekeetja
  • Külmkapp
  • Kööginurk

Mugavused toas

  • Pistikupesa voodi lähedal


  • Mullivann


  • Einestamisala
  • Kamin
  • Istumisnurk

Meedia ja tehnika

  • Raadio

Internetiühendus puudub.

Tasuta privaatne parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole vajalik).


    • Toiduainete kohaletoomine
      Lisatasu eest
    • Privaatne sisse-/väljaregistreerimine


    • Võimalik on arve saada

    Meelelahutus ja teenused peredele

    • Lauamängud/pusled
    • Lauamängud/pusled


    • Tulekustutid
    • Suitsuandurid


    • Vingugaasiandur
    • Allergiaohutu
    • Suitsetamiseks ettenähtud kohad
    • Puit- või parkettpõrand
    • Küte
    • Privaatne sissepääs
    • Ventilaator
    • Toad mittesuitsetajatele


    • Ülemistele korrustele pääseb vaid trepist
    • Kogu üksus asub alumisel korrusel


    • Mullivann
      Lisatasu eest

    Personal kõneleb

    • inglise

    Tähtis teada
    Willowbank shepherds hut võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!

    Alates 16:00 kuni 22:00
    Pead majutusasutusele ette teada andma, millal saabud.
    Alates 07:30 kuni 10:00
    Tühistamine/ ettemakse
    Tühistamise ja ettemakse reeglid võivad sõltuvalt majutustüübist erineda. Palun sisesta oma peatumise kuupäevad ja kontrolli soovitud valiku tingimusi.
    Lapsed ja voodid

    Laste majutamise reeglid

    Lapsed ei ole teretulnud.

    Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid

    Selles majutusasutuses pole laste- ja lisavoodid saadaval.

    Vanusepiirangut ei ole
    Sisseregistreerimisele ei kehti vanusepiirangut
    Lemmikloomad ei ole lubatud.
    Maksed Booking.com-i kaudu
    Booking.com võtab majutusasutuse nimel selle peatumise eest sult makse, kuid veendu, et sul oleks kohapeal sularaha võimalike lisakulutuste jaoks.
    Suitsetamine ei ole lubatud.
    Peod/üritused ei ole lubatud

    Kasulik teada
    Selle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad

    Palume majutusasutusele Willowbank shepherds hut oma eeldatav saabumisaeg ette teatada. Saad oma saabumise aja kirjutada broneeringu tegemisel erisoovide väljale või võtta majutusasutusega otse ühendust, kasutades selleks oma broneeringu kinnituses olevaid kontaktandmeid.

    Selles majutusasutuses pole poissmeestepeod ega muud sarnased üritused lubatud.

    Juriidiline teave

    Seda majutusasutust haldab eravõõrustaja. Professionaalseid võõrustajaid puudutav EL-i tarbijakaitseseadus ei pruugi kehtida.

    KKK majutusasutuse Willowbank shepherds hut kohta