Nastanitev Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking se nahaja 1,8 km od znamenitosti muzej Cadbury World in 4,4 km od znamenitosti Univerza v Birminghamu ter nudi brezplačen WiFi in vrt. Ta počitniška hiška se nahaja 7,5 km od znamenitosti gledališče Hippodrome in 8 km od znamenitosti koncertna dvorana Symphony Hall. Počitniška hiška nudi več spalnic (2), kuhinjo s hladilnikom in s pomivalnim strojem ter kopalnico (1) s prho, s sušilcem za lase in s pralnim strojem. V počitniški hiški lahko koristite brisače in posteljnino. Znamenitost Winterbourne House and Garden je 4,7 km od nastanitve Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking, znamenitost Zgodovinske stavbe Birmingham Back to Backs pa je 7,2 km stran od nastanitve. Najbližje letališče (Letališče Birmingham) je 14 km od nastanitve Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking.

Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.

Prednosti nastanitve

Naj lokacija - Visoko ocenjena s strani nedavnih gostov (8,5)

Brezplačno parkirišče v sklopu nastanitve


Izberite datume, da bi videli razpoložljivost in cene te nastanitve

Komentarji gostov


Razmerje cena / kvaliteta
Visoka ocena za mesto Birmingham
Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:

Oglejte si, kaj je bilo gostom najbolj všeč:

  • Lauren
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    The property was modern, stylish and very comfortable
  • Adrian
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    the house was very comfortable, shower great kitchen lovely
  • Kathleen
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    The decor, the space and the outside garden use too. Parking too :)
Ocena kakovosti je kakovosti te nastanitve podelil oceno 3 od 5 na podlagi dejavnikov, kot so oprema, velikost, lokacija in ponujene storitve.

Upravlja: Pass The Keys

Ocena komentarjev podjetja: 8.2Na podlagi 5.701 komentarja od 1574 nastanitev
1574 upravljanih nastanitev

Podatki o podjetju

Pass the Keys® is a Property Management Company managing many listings. Pass the Keys® provides a hotel standard of service for short-let properties. The property is professionally maintained and cleaned. We guarantee professionally cleaned linens and toiletries. We also provide 24/7 guest support and local personal service before and during your stay. The local community-based team of Pass the Keys® personally inspects the property and certifies the home has met Pass the Keys®’s Property Readiness Standard.

Podatki o nastanitvi

I'm very pleased to welcome guests to my house and hope that you have a great stay, whether visiting the area for work or leisure. I've lived here since it was built and have had a thoroughly enjoyable few years here, the house is very comfortably furnished and modern in style. Stirchley Village is a gem of an area and a great place to live, and I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay. My property sleeps 4 guests (2 double bedrooms). It's located a 2 minute walk from numerous shops and eateries, and just a 6 minute walk from Bournville train station. Just a few minutes away from the vibrant Stirchley Village, and the many restaurants, pubs and bars it has to offer in this highly rated area of Birmingham. Access is great to the city centre and the numerous attractions of the local area. QE and Edgbaston are nearby. The entrance hallway contains the guest toilet and washer/dryer and leads through to a spacious open plan living and dining area. There is plenty of seating with a large L shaped sofa, and a dining table seating 6. The large flat screen Smart TV is the centre piece of the the room (Fire stick with Live TV, you'll need to use your own log in details for other applications). The modern kitchen is generously sized and kitted out for home dining. Appliances include an oven, gas hob, fridge freezer and dishwasher. Smaller appliances include a kettle, microwave and toaster. Important: We are committed to protecting our properties which is why we've partnered with Know Your Guest, the leading vacation rental guest-screening provider. Please note that before your booking begins, you will need to verify your details and ID through Know Your Guest. You will also be given the choice between paying a refundable deposit or buying a non-refundable damage waiver. We suggest you buy the damage waiver as this protects you in case you cause accidental damage during a booking.

Informacije o soseski

Stirchley is a great location whether you are visiting for work or leisure. Birmingham city centre and the surrounding towns and attractions are nearby, with all the benefits of a city location locally. A gem of an area with a vibrant atmosphere and a wide choice of bars, 3 micro breweries and an array of eateries catering for every taste. Stirchley is a short drive to the QE, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston and Birmingham city centre. Bournville train station is a 6 minute walk with trains running to Birmingham New Street every 20 minutes for most of the day. The train journey times: QE - 6 minutes, University of Birmingham - 6 minutes, Birmingham New Street - 13 minutes. There is a bus stop on the main road 2 minutes walk away.

Jeziki, ki jih v nastanitvi govorijo:


Okolica nastanitve

Storitve nastanitve Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking
Odlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 9.5

Najbolj priljubljene storitve
  • Brezplačno parkiranje
  • Brezplačen WiFi
  • Sobe za nekadilce
  • Ogrevanje
Brezplačno javno parkirišče je na voljo pri hotelu (rezervacija ni mogoča).
  • Parkirišče za invalide
Brezžična povezava je na voljo v celotnem hotelu brezplačno.
  • Opekač kruha
  • Pečica
  • Kuhinjska posoda
  • Kuhinja
  • Pralni stroj
  • Pomivalni stroj
  • Mikrovalovna pečica
  • Hladilnik
  • Posteljnina
  • Garderoba ali omara
  • Toaletni papir
  • Brisače
  • Lastna kopalnica
  • Sušilec za lase
  • Prha
Medijska in tehnološka oprema
  • TV
Oprema v sobi
  • Oprema za likanje
Hišni ljubljenčki
Hišni ljubljenčki so dovoljeni. Morda je potrebno doplačilo.
Na prostem
  • Vrt
Hrana in pijača
  • Oprema za pripravo čaja/kave
  • Ogrevanje
  • Sobe za nekadilce
Pogovarjamo se lahko v:
  • angleščina

Hišni red
Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!

Od 15:00 do 00:00
Gostje morajo ob prijavi pokazati veljaven osebni dokument s sliko in kreditno kartico.
Nastanitev morate vnaprej obvestiti o času prihoda.
Do 10:00
Odpoved / predplačila
Pravila o odpovedi in predplačilu se razlikujejo glede na vrsto nastanitve. Prosimo, vnesite datume svojega bivanja in preverite pravila za želeno možnost.
Otroci in ležišča

Pravila glede otrok

Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.

Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.

Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč

V tej nastanitvi otroške postelje in dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.

Brez starostnih omejitev
Za prijavo ni starostnih omejitev
Sprejete kartice v tej nastanitvi
VisaNastanitev ne sprejema gotovine
Kajenje ni dovoljeno.
Zabave/dogodki niso dovoljeni
Hišni ljubljenčki
Hišni ljubljenčki so dovoljeni. Morda je potrebno doplačilo.

Ključne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi

On behalf of our host at Pass the Keys we require guest verification, which is provided by Superhog. Upon confirming your booking, Superhog will reach out to the lead booker through a secure link, providing detailed instructions for verification.

The online verification process requires a government-issued photo ID and a credit or debit card. During this process, you may choose between a refundable GBP 500 deposit (plus GBP 10 transaction fee currency equivalent) or purchase a non-refundable damage waiver of GBP 40 (currency equivalent) to cover potential damages during your stay.

Once verification is successfully completed, the check-in information will be provided. If you opted in for a deposit, this will be refunded via credit/debit card after your stay, subject to an inspection of the property.

Gostje morajo ob prijavi pokazati veljaven osebni dokument s sliko in kreditno kartico. Upoštevajte, da so vse posebne zahteve odvisne od razpoložljivosti in da bo zanje morda potrebno doplačilo.

Nastanitev Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking vnaprej obvestite o predvidenem času prihoda. To lahko med rezervacijo vpišete v okence za posebne zahteve ali pa kontaktirate nastanitev. Kontaktni podatki so na voljo v potrditvi rezervacije.

V tej nastanitvi ne sprejemajo fantovščin, dekliščin ali podobnih zabav.

Ta nastanitev se nahaja v stanovanjskem naselju, zato goste prosijo, da niso preglasni.

Kot odziv na koronavirus (COVID-19) v tej nastanitvi trenutno veljajo dodatni varnostni in zdravstveni ukrepi.

Pravne informacije

To nastanitev upravlja profesionalni gostitelj. Ta oznaka nima nobenega pomena z vidika davkov, vključno z DDV in drugimi 'posrednimi davki', vendar jo zahteva potrošniška zakonodaja EU. Več informacij o gostitelju najdete tukaj: .

Pogosta vprašanja glede nastanitve Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking

  • V nastanitvi Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking prijava poteka od 15.00, odjava pa do 10.00.

  • Nastanitev Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking ima na voljo naslednje število spalnic:

    • 2 spalnici

    Za bolj podrobne informacije preverite pregled nastanitvenih možnosti na tej strani.

  • Cene v nastanitvi Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking so odvisne od vašega bivanja (npr. izbranih datumov, pravil hotela itd.). Cene boste videli, če vnesete datume.

  • Nastanitev Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking je 6 km oddaljena od središča mesta Birmingham. Vse razdalje so merjene v zračni liniji. Dejanske potovalne razdalje se lahko razlikujejo.

  • Da, nastanitev Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking je priljubljena pri gostih, ki rezervirajo družinski oddih.

  • Nastanitev Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking ponuja naslednje aktivnosti oz. storitve (morda je zanje treba doplačati):

    • Nastanitev Pass the Keys 8 Foundry Walk Stylish House with Parking lahko gosti naslednje število oseb:

      • 4 gostje

      Za bolj podrobne informacije preverite pregled nastanitvenih možnosti na tej strani.