Maplehurst Manor Bed and Breakfast asub Dorchesteris, Monctoni golfi- ja maaklubist 38 km kaugusel ja Fort Beausejourist 24 km kaugusel. Majutusruumides on istumisnurk. Selles hommikusöögiga majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja parkimine. Külalised saavad väljas istuda ja majutusasutuse territooriumil lõõgastuda. Hommikusöögiga majutusasutuse majutusruumides on kohvimasin. Majutusruumides on privaatne vannituba, kus on dušikabiin ja hommikumantlid. Mõnel hommikusöögiga majutusasutusel on ka terrass. Hommikusöögiga majutusasutuse kõikides majutusruumides on voodipesu ja rätikud. Majutusasutuses Maplehurst Manor Bed and Breakfast pakutakse à la carte ja Inglise/Iiri hommikusööki. Soovi korral saab hommikusööki nautida ka oma toas. Külalised saavad Dorchesteris ja selle ümbruses suusatada, rattaga sõita ja kala püüda. Majutusasutuse Maplehurst Manor Bed and Breakfast külalised saavad läheduses matkata või aias lõõgastuda. Capitoli teater on sellest hommikusöögiga majutusasutusest 35 km kaugusel ning Monctoni raudteejaam on 36 km kaugusel. Moncton Roméo LeBlanci rahvusvaheline lennujaam jääb 30 km kaugusele.

Majutuse asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 8,6.

Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid

Majutusasutuse parimad palad

Parim asukoht: hiljuti külastanute poolt kõrgelt hinnatud (8,7)

Hommikusöögi info

Täielik Inglise/Iiri

Tasuta parkimine kohapeal


Vali kuupäevad, et näha majutusasutuse saadavust ja hindu

Külastajate arv
1 lai kaheinimesevoodi
1 eriti lai kaheinimesevoodi
1 lai kaheinimesevoodi
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Midagi läks valesti. Palun proovi hiljem uuesti.
Külastajate jäetud arvustused


Hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe
Tasuta WiFi
Kõrge hinne sihtkoha Dorchester kohta

Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda

Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev

  • Hilary
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Breakfast is cooked to order, with different choices each day - fantastic! Sociable & helpful hosts who were a delight to talk to. Unexpected extras such as home-baked cookies. Great spacious bathroom with walk-in shower. House of great character...
  • Anne
    Suurbritannia Suurbritannia
    Spacious, clean, very welcoming hostess. Great home cooked breakfast.
  • A
    Kanada Kanada
    Originally we were only booked for 1 night and the plan was to travel to another place and spend our last 2 nights someplace else. Well that was our plan BUT after spending the night seeing how incredible this place was and the amazing breakfast...
  • Joachim
    Saksamaa Saksamaa
    Lovingly furnished house with a very pleasant and personal atmosphere - arrive and feel at home. We enjoyed our stay very much.
  • Shuttleworth
    Kanada Kanada
    The hosts were amazingly hospitable. The bath sheets were awesome and changed out regularly. The heated floors in the bathrooms were lovely. The bed was comfortable and Breakfast was delicious.
  • Charles
    Austraalia Austraalia
    Delightful historic property with quality bedding, bathroom products and dinnerware. Outstanding attention to detail in all areas. Great breakfast and lots of tasty extras from the hosts.
  • A
    Kanada Kanada
    Absolutely lovely B&B with fabulous breakfasts and charming rooms. The bathrooms are exceptionally large with both a roomy shower and a clawfoot bathtub, catering to all. Jeff and Marsica are charming hosts and we were warmly welcomed by their dog...
  • D
    Ameerika Ühendriigid Ameerika Ühendriigid
    Quiet location, comfortable beds, large rooms and exceptional bathrooms. Every detail was top notch, breakfast was varied, always well presented and very tasty. Marisa, Jeff and Rosie were wonderful hosts, friendly, caring and obviously dedicated...
  • Post
    Holland Holland
    We loved having Marisca serving breakfast in the way she did. Just voortreffelijk! Many thanks Marisca, dankjewel en tot ziens!
  • Brigitte
    Holland Holland
    We stayed only one night at this beautiful manor, as a stopover, but would have loved to have stayed longer! Marisca and Jeff are the sweetest hosts; they know the true meaning of hospitality! The room is super clean, large and tastefully...

Kvaliteedihinne on andnud sellele majutusasutusele viiepallisüsteemis kvaliteedihindeks 4, tuginedes teguritele, nagu mugavused, suurus, asukoht ja teenused.

Võõrustaja andmed

Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
Keskmine hinne võõrustajale:
The largest suites are on the second floor. The “Chandler Suite" with its king size bed and bay window, and "Keillor Suite", with its period four poster bed. They both have elegant functioning original slate, natural gas fireplaces. The third-floor suite is the “Landry Suite,” This suite also includes a generous sitting area. One of the features of the room is a restored coal burning stove from the mid-1800s. This has been brought back to its original condition with a realistic insert that mimics the ambiance of its original use. The furnishings are a mix of period furniture and modern comforts. The en suite bathrooms have been described as a sanctuary. Very spacious rooms with elegant period-appropriate vanities, generous glass and ceramic walled walk-in showers, rainfall shower heads. There’s also large claw foot soaker tubs with vintage styling and faucets to top off the experience. These features are all surrounded by beautiful ornate Italian ceramic tile, which include heated floors to add to your comfort. One of our most exceptional features is our generous third-floor patio. This year-round space has one of the best views in the village. The hills of Westmorland County to the East, or Shepody Mountain and the Bay of Fundy to the West. A morning coffee at sunrise is stunning. Stargazing at night is spectacular as well. This space can be enjoyed in the winter with a heater, hot chocolate, and blankets for two, or in the summer with a refreshing drink. There is never a bad view or time of year to enjoy the peace and solitude this space can provide. For even more privacy, the patio area off of the kitchen may hit the spot. It is nestled by a large gully shaded by many 100-year-old trees. The comfortable, large private deck is also a nice spot to enjoy a meal or drink. The tranquillity and peacefulness the area provides can be enjoyed on the deck or you can take the exit to explore the acres of beautiful countryside.
The manor has a front porch and a grand entrance door that welcomes you to an original and elegant three-story walnut staircase, 10-foot ceilings, ornate plaster medallions, and mouldings. These lead to the grand living room, which measures 30’ x 15’. It is furnished with period furniture and décor that invite you to enjoy the restored slate and natural gas fireplace. The formal dining room, which is intimate enough for two and large enough for 18, is where our signature candlelight multi-course hot breakfasts are served. The quartz countertops, farmhouse sink, and the warmth of custom cabinetry create a wonderful combination of vintage elegance and modern functionality. Further connections to the history of the house can also be found in the kitchen. There are two sets of stairs to the servant’s quarters, a couple of quaint pantries, and an exposed brick section of chimney that comes off of the original bread oven used to warm the kitchen in the winter.
The village of Dorchester overlooks Shepody Bay and some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, being part of the Fundy UNESCO biosphere. Nearby are the village’s two museums, the Keillor House and St. James Presbyterian Church, and The Bell Inn. Built in 1811, the inn is the oldest stone structure in New Brunswick. Each year, between mid-July and mid-September, more than 80% of the world’s Semipalmated Sandpipers flock to the shores of Johnson’s Mills, just minutes from the Village center
Personal kõneleb: keeltinglise,hollandi

Majutusasutuse ümbrus

Majutusasutuses Maplehurst Manor Bed and Breakfast pakutavad mugavused
Suurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 9.9

Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused

  • Toad mittesuitsetajatele
  • Tasuta parkimine
  • Tasuta Wi-Fi
  • Tee/kohvi valmistamise võimalus kõigis tubades


  • Tualettpaber
  • Rätikud
  • Privaatne vannituba
  • Hommikumantel
  • Föön
  • Vann
  • Dušš


  • Voodipesu
  • Riide- või seinakapp


  • Terrass
  • Aed


  • Kohvimasin
  • Külmkapp


  • Rattasõit
  • Matkamine
  • Suusatamine
  • Kalastamine


  • Kamin
  • Istumisnurk

Toit ja jook

  • Hommikusöök toas
  • Tee- ja kohvimasin

WiFi-ühendus on saadaval mõningates hotellitubades ja on tasuta.

Tasuta avalik parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole võimalik).


    • Igapäevane koristusteenus


    • Kogu majutusasutus on suitsuvaba
    • Küte
    • Toad mittesuitsetajatele

    Personal kõneleb

    • inglise
    • hollandi

    Tähtis teada
    Maplehurst Manor Bed and Breakfast võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!

    Alates 16:00
    Pead majutusasutusele ette teada andma, millal saabud.
    Kuni 10:30
    Tühistamine/ ettemakse
    Tühistamise ja ettemakse reeglid võivad sõltuvalt majutustüübist erineda. Palun sisesta oma peatumise kuupäevad ja kontrolli soovitud valiku tingimusi.
    Lapsed ja voodid

    Laste majutamise reeglid

    Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.

    Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.

    Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid

    Vanem kui 0-aastane
    Lisavoodi erisoovi alusel

    Lubatud lisavoodite hulk oleneb sinu tehtavast valikust. Lisateabeks vaata palun tehtud toavalikut.

    Selles majutusasutuses ei ole lastevoodid saadaval.

    Lisavoodid olenevad saadavusest.

    Vanusepiirangut ei ole
    Sisseregistreerimisele ei kehti vanusepiirangut
    Lemmikloomad ei ole lubatud.
    Kaardid, mida see majutusasutus aktsepteerib
    Suitsetamine ei ole lubatud.

    Kasulik teada
    Selle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad

    Palume majutusasutusele Maplehurst Manor Bed and Breakfast oma eeldatav saabumisaeg ette teatada. Saad oma saabumise aja kirjutada broneeringu tegemisel erisoovide väljale või võtta majutusasutusega otse ühendust, kasutades selleks oma broneeringu kinnituses olevaid kontaktandmeid.

    Juriidiline teave

    Seda majutusasutust haldab eravõõrustaja. Professionaalseid võõrustajaid puudutav EL-i tarbijakaitseseadus ei pruugi kehtida.

    KKK majutusasutuse Maplehurst Manor Bed and Breakfast kohta