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Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay menawarkan kamar ber-AC di Apollo Bay. Guest house ini menyediakan WiFi gratis dan parkir pribadi gratis. Di guest house, setiap kamar memiliki teras dengan pemandangan gunung. Setiap kamar memiliki kamar mandi pribadi dengan shower, amenitas kamar mandi gratis, dan pengering rambut. Di Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay, setiap kamar dilengkapi dengan seprai dan handuk. Di Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay, Anda dapat menikmati kegiatan di Apollo Bay dan sekitarnya seperti mendaki. Bandara terdekat adalah Bandara Avalon, 140 km dari guest house.

Pasangan menyukai lokasinya — mereka memberi nilai 9,6 untuk perjalanan dua orang.

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Lokasi premium: Tamu terbaru memberi nilai yang tinggi (9,6)

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Lihat yang paling disukai tamu:

  • Frederike
    Belanda Belanda
    If you are looking to connect with nature, this is your best option! The room is comfortable and has everything you'll need. The sound of the parrots will wake you in the morning and you can explore the area by yourself or ask Brett & Cat for a...
  • Fiona
    Irlandia Irlandia
    We had an absolutely delightful stay at Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay. The room was incredibly cozy. What truly made our stay exceptional was the opportunity to interact with their adorable sheep. Being allowed to feed them was a...
  • Claire
    Inggris Raya Inggris Raya
    Everything was great. The room was comfortable and very relaxing. I need that room spray 🤪 The tour of the property was an extra bonus as we got to meet the animals and see koalas.
Kualitas rating memberi rating kualitas untuk akomodasi ini sebesar 3 dari 5 berdasarkan faktor seperti fasilitas, lokasi, ukuran, dan layanan yang diberikan.

Tuan rumah - Caterina & Brett

Skor tuan rumah
Skor tuan rumah

Caterina & Brett
***FOR NATURE LOVERS who want to get away from the hustle and bustle*** An Idyllic escape with the Great Ocean Walk at our door step awaiting you to reconnect back to nature and self. The perfect stay away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, you will feel in holiday mode right from the start with 8 acres of green space where the sweetest smells and sounds of nature reconnect you back to your soul. The property is located a short distance from the main town for the basics & food (5 kms) but far away enough to feel like you are in paradise. Lots of native animals visit our property and some wild animals such as koalas can always be found lingering in our trees that they call home. Our property is a haven for birds, wallaby's and many other Australian native animals. We have friendly sheep that you may feed and of course our friendly pet Alpine Dingoes can be made available for you to visit. They always love a pat and a its' a perfect photo opportunity and memoir for you to say you have petted and come in contact with an Alpine Dingo - Australia's Wild Canid.
Both Brett and Caterina are very warm, welcoming hosts. Being health professionals, we love people and listening to their stories, helping navigate them to have their best possible holiday in our area. We love the great outdoors and all it offers - we know the terrain very well. We want the best possible experience for our guests. We have moved from the city 6 years ago to live in a wonderful paradise so are able to give you different perspectives. We love showing guests our property, helping them get excited about seeing a koala, echidna, feeding the sheep and of course visit our friendly dingoes where guests are welcome to take a keep sake photo for memories to take home with them.
We are located on the iconic Great Ocean Road - We have the famous Great Ocean Road Walk at our doorstep, lots of local scenic walks, beautiful waterfalls 20 minutes by car, Redwoods, the beach is a 2 minute drive down the hill, lots of native birds (king parrots, sulphur crested cockatoos, black cockatoos, rosellas, king fishers- frequent our property amongst many others, grey kangaroos, swamp wallaby's, ringtail possums and sugar gliders are the common natives that regularly feature wildly on our property. Being 5kms from town, it is a very safe area however our property can be very dark at night - so make sure you have a torch as there are no city lights. This makes it ideal to view the Milky Way and star systems perfectly on a clear night. And if you need any help - we are located right next door to your room as we live onsite. A perfect place to rest, relax & rejuvenate and get into touch with who you are.
Bahasa yang digunakan: Bahasa Inggris

Lingkungan sekitar properti

Fasilitas Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay
Fasilitasnya luar biasa! Skor ulasan: 9.3

Fasilitas paling populer
  • Parkir gratis
  • WiFi gratis
Kamar Mandi
  • Tisu toilet
  • Handuk
  • Toilet tamu
  • Bathtub atau shower
  • Kamar mandi pribadi
  • Toilet
  • Peralatan mandi
  • Pengering rambut
  • Shower
Kamar Tidur
  • Seprai
  • Pemandangan gunung
  • Pemandangan taman
  • Pemandangan
  • Area piknik
  • Perabotan luar ruangan
  • Area makan outdoor
  • Teras
  • Taman
  • Alat bersih-bersih
  • Ketel listrik
  • Lemari es
Amenitas Kamar
  • Stop kontak dekat tempat tidur
  • Hiking
    Lokasi berbeda
Makanan & Minuman
  • Sarapan dalam kamar
  • Pembuat teh/kopi
Wi-Fi tersedia di beberapa kamar hotel dan tidak dikenai biaya.
Tempat Parkir
Parkir pribadi gratis tersedia di lokasi properti (reservasi tidak diperlukan).
    • Check-in/out pribadi
    Hiburan dan layanan keluarga
    • Permainan papan/puzzle
    • Papan permainan/puzzle
    • CCTV di luar akomodasi
    • Alarm asap
    • Akses kunci
    • Bebas alergi
    • AC
    • Bebas rokok di semua ruangan
    • Tersedia kamar bebas alergi
    • Lantai kayu/parket
    • Pemanas ruangan
    • Pintu masuk pribadi
    Kemudahan akses
    • Semua unit terletak di lantai dasar
    • Kelas yoga
    • Pijat seluruh tubuh
    • Pijat untuk tangan
    • Pijat kepala
    • Pijat kaki
    • Pijat leher
    • Pijat punggung
    • Paket spa/wellness
    • Pijat
      Biaya tambahan
    Bahasa yang digunakan
    • Bahasa Inggris

    Aturan menginap
    Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay menerima permintaan khusus - masukkan di langkah berikutnya!

    Dari 14:00 sampai 22:00

    Dari 9:00 sampai 10:00

    Pembatalan/ prabayar
    Kebijakan pembatalan dan pembayaran di muka bervariasi tergantung tipe akomodasi. Harap masukkan tanggal inap Anda dan periksa ketentuan dari opsi yang Anda butuhkan.

    Anak-anak dan tempat tidur

    Kebijakan anak

    Anak-anak tidak bisa menginap.

    Kebijakan ranjang bayi dan tempat tidur ekstra

    Tidak tersedia ranjang bayi dan tempat tidur ekstra di akomodasi ini.

    Batasan usia
    Usia minimum untuk check-in adalah 18

    Hewan peliharaan
    Hewan peliharaan tidak diperbolehkan.

    Pembayaran oleh menerima pembayaran atas nama properti untuk masa inap ini, jadi pastikan ketika tiba di sana, Anda memiliki uang tunai jika ada biaya tambahan.

    Kebijakan merokok
    Dilarang merokok.

    Pesta/acara tidak diizinkan.

    Informasi penting
    Informasi penting untuk tamu di akomodasi ini

    Akomodasi ini tidak mengizinkan pesta bujang atau sejenisnya.

    Pertanyaan Umum tentang Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay

    • Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay menawarkan aktivitas/layanan berikut (mungkin dikenakan biaya):

      • Pijat
      • Hiking
      • Pijat kepala
      • Pijat leher
      • Pijat seluruh tubuh
      • Paket spa/wellness
      • Pijat untuk tangan
      • Pijat kaki
      • Kelas yoga
      • Pijat punggung
    • Check-in di Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay dari jam 14.00, dan check-out hingga 10.00.

    • Harga di Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay mungkin berbeda tergantung masa inap Anda (mis. tanggal pilihan, kebijakan hotel, dll). Lihat harga dengan memasukkan tanggal.

    • Opsi kamar di Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay termasuk:

      • Double
    • Great Ocean Road Wellness and Nature Stay berjarak hanya 4,3 km dari pusat Apollo Bay. Semua jarak diukur dalam garis lurus. Jarak sebenarnya mungkin berbeda.