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Parimad hostelid piirkonnas Apuulia

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Ostello della Gioventù Brindisi


Ostello della Gioventù Brindisi asub Brindisis, 15 km kaugusel Torre Guaceto looduskaitsealast. Kohapeal on aed, privaatne parkla, ühine puhkeruum ja terrass. Location near the airport. Very friendly staff.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
120 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 27
öö kohta

Lobby Collective Hostel - Lecce


Lobby Collective Hostel - Lecce asub Lecces, Piazza Mazzinist 2,4 km kaugusel. The hostel is super clean, with comfortable beds and good bed linens, nice hot water in the showers. There is a decent kitchen for the ones who prefer to cook and there is also a reading/working space for who needs a more quiet place. it is a 20 minutes walk from the city center/old town but there is also the possibility to rent bikes in the place. People working there are outstanding, I have only good things to say about them. =]

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
509 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 26
öö kohta

Riparo di Masseria Urbana


Aia, mittesuitsetajatele mõeldud tubade, tasuta WiFi-ühenduse ja grillimisvõimalusega Riparo di Masseria Urbana asub Crispianos, Taranto katedraalist 16 km kaugusel. all convenient and beautiful, you can feel the host put their hearts and a lot of effort

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33 arvustust

Ostello dei Giardini di Pomona


Ostello dei Giardini di Pomona asub Cisterninos, 35 km kaugusel Taranto katedraalist ja 36 km kaugusel Castello Aragonese lossist. Kohapeal on aed, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Location was a great base to explore the region

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
96 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 29,50
öö kohta

Casa Vacanze Il Rifugio Del Principe


Casa Vacanze asub Putignanos, 41 km kaugusel Bari pearaudteejaamast ja 42 km kaugusel Bari katedraalist. Il Rifugio Del Principe pakub majutust ja tasuta WiFi-ühendust kogu majutusasutuses.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
18 arvustust

Olive Tree

Bari City Centre, Bari

Olive Tree asub Baris, vaid 5-minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel Bari pearaudteejaamast. Kogu majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Tubades on jahutav ventilaator ning aias on grillimisvahendid. Great staff and good facilities. The place is well located and has a good vibe overall.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
Väga hea
1 054 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 46
öö kohta

BARI ROOMS Abate Gimma

Bari City Centre, Bari

BARI ROOMS Abate Gimma asub Bari kesklinnas, 1,9 km kaugusel Pane e Pomodoro rannast. Tubades on konditsioneer ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Great location close to the old town. Very clean. Excellent communication, very responsive, comprehensive and clear instructions and recommendations! The staff was very flexible and very professional. The door opens via web portal at the push of a button, very cool. Star LED decorations in the ceiling of my room were very nice.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
Väga hea
451 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 41,37
öö kohta

Habari We Dorm

Bari City Centre, Bari

Habari We Dorm asub Bari kesklinnas. Kohapeal on konditsioneeriga toad, ühine puhkeruum, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja terrass. Everything worked perfect. The system they have to check in and out, location, comfort, communication, personal. I don’t have anything to complain about. It was great :)

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
782 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 50,74
öö kohta

Urban Oasis Hostel


Aiaga hostel Urban Oasis asub Lecce'is Apuulia piirkonnas, 1,3 km kaugusel Piazza Mazzinist ja 900 meetri kaugusel Sant' Oronzo väljakust. Urban Oasis is an outstanding property in Lecce; location is perfect and there is tons of tourist information available everywhere throughout the shared spaces. Solare was particularly helpful and personable; she really went out of her way to recommend things to me based on my interests (nightlife, restaurants, tourist sites and museums, etc.) She also helped me book a boat tour for a time after I was leaving the hostel. I felt safe and the accommodations were terrific. I highly recommend staying here - my room was enormous and clean in addition to all of the perks Urban Oasis offers. (I didn't love the shower curtain...)

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
830 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 30,50
öö kohta



Tasuta WiFi-ühenduse ja aiaga OSTELLO MADRE SANTINA pakub majutust Lecces, 3,3 km kaugusel Piazza Mazzinist ja 1,9 km kaugusel Sant' Oronzo väljakust. Clean, comfortable, spacious, light, with much needed air conditioning and a beautiful patio that was perfect for relaxing with a glass of wine after a long hot day at the beach. Staff was very friendly and organized, and the whole place was so quiet and peaceful, which was also perfect after the noise and chaos of crowded Pugliese beaches in August.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
35 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 37
öö kohta

Sel kuul enim broneeritud hostelid regioonis Apuulia

KKK hostelite kohta piirkonnas Apuulia

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