Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Aia ja aiavaatega Adelis asub Yaremche'is, 300 meetri kaugusel Karpaatide etnograafia ja ökoloogia muuseumist ning 1,5 km kaugusel Elevandikivist. Clean room, great location, friendly hosts
Bozhena asub Mykulychyni vaikses piirkonnas Prutetsi jõe ääres metsa lähedal.
Polyanitsa, Bukovel
Phoenix Relax Park asub Bukovelis, 30 km kaugusel Probiy joast. Majutusasutuse juurde pääseb suuskadel. Kohapeal on tasuta eraparkla, lõpmatuse bassein ja aed. I stayed at Phoenix for a week with my family. We had the bigger cottage and there was more than enough room for everyone to have their own space. I loved having coffee on our terrace every morning and enjoying the view. The staff was very helpful and accommodating, we had bottled water brought into our cottage every day as you cannot drink tap water there. I liked how they had a kids pool and an adult pool (even though some adults ended up bringing their kids to the adult pool, but that's on them) and the bar right next to it. There are really too many things to mention about this place, just in general it exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend it.
Puhkepark Bukovelis
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad puhkeparke regioonis Bukovel Ski
Puhkepark sihtkohas Jaremtše
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad puhkeparke regioonis Bukovel Ski
Puhkepark sihtkohas Mõkulõtšin
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad puhkeparke regioonis Bukovel Ski