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Ramioje Theologos kaimelio vietoje, šalia miškelio, vos už 500 metrų nuo centro, įsikūrusiame kempinge „Drolma Ling Nature Cabins“ bendrose patalpose veikia nemokamas belaidis internetas. Efigenia's created a therapeutic haven in Drolma Ling. I found being amongst nature, surrounded by trees 🌳 as one sleeps, medicine for the soul, spirit, heart, mind. And the equal benefit was the wonderful people her place attracts....of all nations and ages. Such fun, such friendship on offer, we went out as a group and shared fabulous conversations ❤ and made magical memories ✨ Thank you to all the great volunteers who serve all the shared facilities 🙏 And congratulations to the hostess for her inspired creation 👌 Bravo 👏
Poilsiavietė mieste Theologos
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