Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Campo Wasi asub San Isidro de Patulú vallas, Chimborazo provintsis Riobamba linnast 10 minuti kaugusel. Majutusasutus pakub majutust tubades ja puhkealadel, tasuta WiFi-ühendust ja rohealasid. The place is near Riobamba, Guano and Chimborazo. The staff is amazing! The owners make their own shampoo, dish washing soap, etc. with natural ingredients they have in the backyard. The place is cozy and unique. They have 4 wonderful dogs and two cats rescued. Down the hill you will find a perfect spot beside the river and at night a warm fire while laying at a hammock.
Chimborazo Basecamp asub Chimborazos, kõigest 16 km kaugusel Chimborazo vulkaanist. Majutusruumidest avaneb vaade mägedele. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Yeah, it is a great option to stay close to the volcano. Nice view and very calm.
Puhkepark sihtkohas Chimborazo
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad puhkeparke regioonis Chimborazo Province
Puhkepark sihtkohas Riobamba
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad puhkeparke regioonis Chimborazo Province