Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Aiavaate ja terrassiga Hunter Vip asub Ursu järvest umbes 44 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on restoran ja tasuta eraparkla. Majutusasutus pakub lennujaamatransporti ja jalgratta üürimise võimalust. Everything was excellent. Beautiful lodge in a forest setting. Clean room with great shower. Ovidio the host was very nice and helpful. Highly recommend
Pension Cartref asub ajaloolises Transilvaania piirkonnas, endises Saxoni külas Saschizis, UNESCO kultuuripärandi nimistusse kantud evangeelsest kirikust vaid 100 meetri kaugusel. A wonderful experience. Ana was a charming host, spoke excellent English and was very attentive and willing to help in any way thinkable. The house was clean, the room large. We had a triple room, but it was comfortable enough for 4 of us (2 kids age 2 and 4) - we had a crib in the back of the car but did not need to use it. Location was nice with pretty view, large garden (including a small slide and sandpit for kids), terrace... close to a shop and a Cafe. Breakfast was delicious. We really enjoyed our stay very much.
Talumajutus sihtkohas Reghin
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad talumajutusi regioonis Mureş