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Parimad talumajutused piirkonnas Walcheren

Vaata meie suurepäraseid talumajutusi kohas Walcheren

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Keskmine hinne

Suurepärane: 9+ Väga hea: 8+ Hea: 7+ Meeldiv: 6+
Meie populaarsemad valikud Madalaim hind esimesena Hind ja tärnide arv Enim hinnatud

Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.

Trekkershuisje 't Zeeuws Knoopje


Mini kämping 't Zeeuws Knoopje asub Aagtekerkes. Talumajutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Terrassiga majutusasutuses on istumisnurk. Köögis on külmkapp, kööginõud ja kõik muu vajalik.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
56 arvustust

Hofstede Elzenoord


Hofstede Elzenoord asub Vrouwenpolderis, vaid 2 km kaugusel Põhjamere rannast. Mittesuitsetajatele mõeldud majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Kiirtee N57 on 700 meetri kaugusel. The room was a great size. Incredibly clean and fantastic comfortable beds. Lots of natural light and a great view over the gardens. The shared kitchen was really great. Well stocked. Well organised. So clean! The staff were very helpful. They even helped us with our bike problems. Check in and out was incredibly easy. The other guests we shared the bathroom and kitchen with were also very sweet. Very respectful and friendly. Location was perfect for what we needed. Short Bike ride to the beach and a short walk to the shops and resturants. The garden has lots of places to sit and relax. And is very well kept. The grounds are very large you can find a quiet spot quite easily.

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Väga hea
349 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 88
öö kohta

Home Bij Zee


Kodu Bij Zee asub Koudekerkes ajaloolises hoones, 2,2 km kaugusel Dishoeki rannast. Talumajutus pakub tasuta jalgrattaid ja aeda.

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4 arvustust

Sel kuul enim broneeritud talumajutused regioonis Walcheren