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Parimad talumajutused sihtkohas Pau

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Keskmine hinne

Suurepärane: 9+ Väga hea: 8+ Hea: 7+ Meeldiv: 6+
Meie populaarsemad valikud Madalaim hind esimesena Hind ja tärnide arv Enim hinnatud

Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.

Can Massana asub Paus, 14 km kaugusel Peralada golfiväljakust. Kohapeal on katusebassein, tasuta eraparkla, aed ja terrass. Majutusasutusest avaneb vaade mägedele ja aiale.

We love the experience of staying in a small accomodation, especially one that is family run. From the minute we arrived at Can Massana we felt as if we were visiting old friends. Our hosts Oscar and Fina were some of the nicest people we had the pleasure of meeting in our long journey through Spain. The accomodations were a reflection of these two. Everything there had their personal touch and good taste. This carried on into the amazing breakfast that was served each morning. Apart from the welcome bottle of sparkling wine that they gifted, coffess, teas, and pastries were available throughout the day. There was also an honor bar with everything one could wish for. They were extremely helpful in giving us advice about the beautiful area and helped with booking restaurants. Good friends were visiting at the time and we were always invited to join in. Oh yeah, they also offered us an upgrade at no extra cost! Sometimes in life you end up where you are supposed to and this was one of those occasions. They have not seen the last of us!

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
193 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 172,20
öö kohta

Can Gusó asub Castelló d'Empúriesis, Dalí muuseumist vaid 13 km kaugusel. Aiavaatega majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla.

Breakfast was perfect and we liked the rest of the environment. Easy to park your car.

Näita rohkem Näita vähem
Väga hea
506 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 57,35
öö kohta

Kas otsid talumajutusi?

Reisijatel, kes soovivad uusi kogemusi, tuleks kindlasti ära proovida peatumine autentses talutöödega farmis. Võõrustajad võivad pakkuda interaktiivseid lastesõbralikke tegevusi või paaridele õdusat äraolemist originaalseisus või renoveeritud talus. Tihti on hommikusöök hinna sees, kuid võib juhtuda, et pead munad ise kanalast üles korjama!
Otsi talumajutusi sihtkohas Pau