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Riehen의 특별한 호텔

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Chez Jean et Daisy

Riehen, 바젤

Chez Jean et Daisy는 리헨에 위치한 베드 앤 브렉퍼스트로 가구가 갖추어진 테라스와 녹음이 무성한 정원으로 연결되는 객실을 보유하고 있으며, 전 구역에 무료 WiFi를 제공합니다. 객실에는 휴식 공간이 갖추어져 있으며, 전용 욕실은 객실 바깥에 자리해 있습니다. 구내 주차장은 추가 요금으로 이용하실 수 있습니다. If I only had one word to describe Chez Jean and Daisy, it would be: Magical. This bed and breakfast in a sleepy hamlet outside of Basel near the German border is nothing short of a treasure. Everything in the house is steeped in history, charm, and beauty. Immediately upon walking in the gate to the property, you are greeted with an elegant garden. At the door, the wise and wonderful Jean embraces you with a larger-than-life personality. Daisy, with her warmth and loveliness, becomes no stranger too. The breakfast is served downstairs in the shadow of a ticking clock that has more character than a Victor Hugo novel. The bread is homemade and deliciously unique.

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