Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Cam Ha, Hội An
Majutusasutus asub Hội Anis Cam Ha linnaosas. The Country House - Hoi Rõdu ja mäevaatega majutusasutuses An by Class6 on konditsioneer. We've stayed at many, many home over the years, and this villa as one of our favourites. The house was perfect for our large group, with seven bedrooms spread across three floors - all of them en-suite with a private balcony. The communal space downstairs was perfect for gathering everyone together for eating and games. But what really made our stay special was the exceptional service from An and the team. They arranged our airport pickup, got us cars and mopeds when we needed them, provided a constant concierge service for anything we wanted or needed from laundry to tour organising. We setup a group chat for everyone in our party, and An's team would reply to us within minutes whenever we reached out to them. They could not have been more helpful. This was a real find.
Hội An
Bai Huong kodumajutus asub Hoi Anis, Bai Huongi rannast vaid 50 meetri kaugusel. Rannaäärsel majutusasutusel on erarand, tasuta jalgrattad, aed ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Great room. Friendly family. Great food. Recommend.
Tan An, Hội An
Ly Ly River asub Hoi Anis, 3 km kaugusel Hoi Ani ajaloomuuseumist ja 3,2 km kaugusel Jaapani katusega sillast. Majutusruumides on istumisnurk. Super clean, comfortable and a short walk into the main town, but still in a very peaceful quiet neighbourhood. Host was super friendly! a great deal!
Hà Bình (1)
Happy House TB asub Hà Bìnhis (1), 24 km kaugusel Chaozhou Hiina koguduse assambleesaalist ja Hoi Ani ajaloomuuseumist. Kohapeal on avarad konditsioneeri, rõdu ja tasuta WiFi-ühendusega majutusruumid....
Maamaja sihtkohas Hoi An
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad maamaju regioonis Quang Nam
Maamaja sihtkohas Hoi An
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad maamaju regioonis Quang Nam
Maamaja sihtkohas Hà Bình (1)
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad maamaju regioonis Quang Nam