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Estancia La Estela

Lago Viedma

Estancia La Estela asub Viedma järve vaatega mõisahoones ning kohapeal on restoran ja tallimaja. Hotellis on tasuta WiFi-ühendusega toad ja pakutakse hommikusööki. La Leona kivimets on 15 km kaugusel.... Estancia la Estela was a dream location facing a beautiful lake and the Fitz Roy. The rooms were modern and clean and the entire staff was attentive and friendly. A special thank you to Fabio, Samuel, Nicole, and Juan, You made our trip one to remember. The staff goes above and beyond to prepare lunch for the hikes. The horse ride with lunch is a one of a kind experience with magnificent views, friendly horses, and delicious steak. Book as fast as you can!

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182 arvustust

Estancia Santa Thelma

Gobernador Gregores

Aia, terrassi, restorani ja tasuta WiFi-ühendusega majutusasutus Estancia Santa Thelma asub Gobernador Gregores. Külalised saavad nautida mäevaateid. Kõikides tubades on voodipesu ja rätikud. Staying at Estancia Santa Themla is exceptionally special. The rooms are beautiful, the setting stunning, and the dinner delicious. This is all about the experience - the hosts are generous and caring, and it is a place to switch off from the world. I would highly recommend it.

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8 arvustust

Departamentos La chacra

Río Gallegos

Departamentos La chacra asub Santa Cruzi piirkonnas Río Gallegoses. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Apartemendil on aed.

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7 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 36
öö kohta

Estancia Bonanza

El Chaltén

Estancia Bonanza asub El Chaltenis. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus, tasuta jalgrattad, terrass ja restoran. Puhkemajakeses on grillimisvõimalus. The location was spectacular. The entire staff was incredible - warm, friendly, supportive, genuine. The meals were topnotch and presented by wonderful culinary experts. Check in and check out were a dream - we really miss our Bonanza family.

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39 arvustust

Estancia Cristina Lodge - El Calafate

Estancia Cristina

Estancia Cristina Lodge - El Calafate asub Los Glaciares'i rahvuspargis ning pakub suurepärases looduskeskkonnas hubaseid mäevaatega tube. All was absolutely perfect. The landscape from the boat was amazing. The estancia is located in a pristine location in nature’s kingdom. You are nearly alone in the middle of nowhere. It is an incredible experience. The room is gorgeous. The staff incredible and the food delicious. The excursions are unbelievable especially the full day canyon walk and the full day horse ride. Nothing to change. We really recommend !!!

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18 arvustust

Estancia Nibepo Aike

Colonia Francisco Perito Moreno

Lammaste kasvatamise talus asuv Estancia Nibepo Aike pakub maalähedast majutust maaliliste mäevaadetega. Perito Moreno liustik jääb 69 km kaugusele. Kohapeal on restoran ja lopsakas aed. Beautiful property, very isolated and nestled among magnificent mountains and hills with access to a couple lakes. The guests house was very cute and rustic with a common fireplace and dining room, but very comfortable. The staff were friendly and accommodating. It was chilly at night so bring warm clothing (we were there in April - their autumn). When you wake up in the morning and go outside, you can hear the quiet, it is so peaceful; and if you go outside at night you can see incredible stars (hopefully it’s not cloudy!). Nice food and amazing activities too. We did a lot of horseback riding to beautiful places and the estancia tour was very interesting

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8 arvustust

Estancia La Quinta 4 tärniga

El Chaltén

Estancia La Quinta asub El Chalteni lähedal Patagoonia rahulikus piirkonnas. Hotell pakub mugavust ja hubasust, et veeta lõõgastav puhkus kaunite maastikega ümbritsetud. La Quinta is a little slice of heaven in the quaint town of El Chaltén. We cannot say enough about their help finding the best hikes, packing lunches, and providing the most relaxing spot a little outside of town (but not too far like some estancias we looked at!). It is a truly family run business and we 100% will be back!!

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73 arvustust

Casa Rural Bella Zaira

El Calafate

Casa Rural Bella Zaira asub El Calafates, Argentina järvest vaid 6,2 km kaugusel. Majutusruumidest avaneb vaade linnale. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Some nice features and design touches, quiet location.

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Väga hea
62 arvustust
Hind alates
€ 28
öö kohta