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Bestu gistiheimilin á svæðinu Podgorica County

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Framúrskarandi: 9+ Mjög gott: 8+ Gott: 7+ Ánægjulegt: 6+
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IPN APARTMENTs er staðsett 9,1 km frá klukkuturninum í Podgorica og býður upp á gistirými með verönd og garði. Gististaðurinn er með aðgang að verönd, ókeypis einkabílastæði og ókeypis WiFi. It was very cozy and clean. Nice design.

Sýna meira Sýna minna
403 umsagnir
Verð frá
7.599 kr.
á nótt

Kapetanovo Jezero Bungalov


Kapetanovo Jezero Bungalov er staðsett í Podgorica og býður upp á garð og bar. Gististaðurinn er með aðgang að verönd og ókeypis einkabílastæði. I would like to start by saying that nothing compared to how nice and lovely the people were. To start our experience, we had a bit a trouble with the GPS as it did not lead us down the correct roads. Upon calling the owners, they guided us towards the right path to the bungalow. The road is paved and very scenic, absolutely stunning views and you can feel how clean the air is up there. The travel takes approximately 30-45 minutes from the main road. Reaching the Captain's Lake, we were stunned by how picturesques the location is, highlighting simpler times and the outstanding beauty of nature. When we arrived, we were greated by a very nice lady, who was the owner of "Rural Household". The lady walked with us and we talked about the place and Montenegro. We decided to eat directly there, because we wanted to try real Montenegrean food, and what I can say is that the food was delicious and not only that, but everything was made up there, locally. We absolutely loved that. The room has an amazing view and was very cozy, but one aspect to be kept in mind is that there is no heating, no electricity and no signal. What we omitted is the aspect of "no heating", thus our starting road trip of Montenegro coast visiting did not leave us prepared to stay the night, as we did not have any warmer clothes other than a pair of jeans each and a thin coat. To be honest, we did not expect it to be that cold, but up there was really cold (we also had the bad luck of a really windy weather and cloudy skies). We decided not to stay the night, to our biggest regret, we really wanted to see the stars and I had a special plan for my girlfriend, but unfortunately, due to personal reasons, we can not risk that she is cold. We hope that we can make it there next year, during middle of summer, and this time fully prepared, and to stay a few days, as the lake and the view is absolutely amazing and the people are the friendliest and nicest people we have ever met.

Sýna meira Sýna minna
14 umsagnir
Verð frá
7.599 kr.
á nótt

Lake Skadar Paradise


Lake Skadar Paradise er nýlega enduruppgert gistihús sem er staðsett 21 km frá klukkuturninum í Podgorica og 22 km frá þinghúsi Svartfjallalands en það býður upp á einkastrandsvæði, garð og ókeypis... Perfect. Sincere recommendation to everyone. The apartment has an excellent location, the beach is part of the apartment and it is beautiful. The apartment is clean. Always available clean towels. It is equipped with everything you could need during your vacation. The hosts are so kind, pleasant and help with everything you need. I especially recommend who comes with a baby or small child. We look forward to coming back next year and seeing you again.

Sýna meira Sýna minna
13 umsagnir
Verð frá
21.633 kr.
á nótt

HeArt of Old Town Guesthouse


HeArt of Old Town Guesthouse er staðsett 300 metra frá klukkuturninum í Podgorica og býður upp á garð og loftkæld gistirými með verönd og ókeypis WiFi. Gistirýmið er með garðútsýni og verönd. The hosts were extremely welcoming and nothing was too much trouble for them. The house is a lovely place to stay with beautiful art work and very comfortable. We recommend highly. The situation of the house is very helpful for walking around Podgorica. Excellent

Sýna meira Sýna minna
45 umsagnir
Verð frá
8.129 kr.
á nótt

Casa Ra 4 stjörnur


Casa Ra er nýuppgerður gististaður í Podgorica, 6,5 km frá Temple of Christ's Resurrection. Boðið er upp á loftkæld herbergi með ókeypis WiFi og einkabílastæði. Peace, rooms, hygiene, awesome staff and great hospitality

Sýna meira Sýna minna
25 umsagnir
Verð frá
10.884 kr.
á nótt

House of peace


House of peace er staðsett í Podgorica, 4 km frá Kirkju heilags hjarta Jesús og 4,2 km frá Náttúrugripasafninu. Boðið er upp á garð og loftkælingu. Discreet and helpful host. Fully equipped apartment.

Sýna meira Sýna minna
89 umsagnir
Verð frá
5.629 kr.
á nótt

Balabani Local Stay


Balabani Local Stay er staðsett í Podgorica, 15 km frá þinghúsi Svartfjallalands og 15 km frá Nútímalistasafninu. Boðið er upp á garð og garðútsýni. I missed my plane, had to find an urgent accommodation being with a cat, and the place turned to be so wonderful that I totally forgot about unpleasant events brought me here. I stayed in cottage and in bungalow - both are very stylish and comfortable (cottage is fully equipped with everything needed, bungalow has outdoor shower and toilet, but the view from the bungalow is really worth seeing). Owners are wonderful family, educated, tactful, interesting multilingual people who thoughtfully create the perfect atmosphere so the guests can both enjoy privacy or join the company of other travellers. I got help with all the issues. It’s nice seeing someone putting so much soul in their business, and I know this place will always prosper.

Sýna meira Sýna minna
70 umsagnir
Verð frá
7.525 kr.
á nótt

Eko Apartmani Krackovic


Eko Apartmani Krackovic er staðsett í Podgorica, í innan við 12 km fjarlægð frá Clock Tower í Podgorica og í 13 km fjarlægð frá þinghúsi Svartfjallalands. Very large apartment. 8 min drive to the airport.

Sýna meira Sýna minna
29 umsagnir
Verð frá
7.122 kr.
á nótt

7 Hills Suites 4 stjörnur


7 Hills Suites er staðsett í miðbæ Podgorica og státar af loftkældum herbergjum með ókeypis Wi-Fi Interneti hvarvetna á gististaðnum. Öll herbergin eru með flatskjá. perfect location, amazing staff, clean great value for money

Sýna meira Sýna minna
Mjög gott
1.093 umsagnir
Verð frá
11.197 kr.
á nótt

Motel Celebic


Motel Celebic er staðsett í Podgorica, í innan við 8,6 km fjarlægð frá Clock Tower í Podgorica og í 9,2 km fjarlægð frá þinghúsi Svartfjallalands en það býður upp á herbergi með loftkælingu og... This room was quiet and very comfortable. The beds were super and the pillows devine. The shower had two heads and was quite large in comparison to other places we’ve stayed in Montenegro. There was a lot of room for storing clothes and toiletries for a long stay. Location was ideal.

Sýna meira Sýna minna
414 umsagnir
Verð frá
5.240 kr.
á nótt

gistiheimili – Podgorica County – mest bókað í þessum mánuði

Algengar spurningar um gistiheimili á svæðinu Podgorica County

  • IPN APARTMENTs, Lake Skadar Paradise og Casa Ra eru meðal vinsælustu gistiheimilanna á svæðinu Podgorica County.

    Auk þessara gistiheimila eru gististaðirnir Kapetanovo Jezero Bungalov, HeArt of Old Town Guesthouse og House of peace einnig vinsælir á svæðinu Podgorica County.

  • Pör sem ferðuðust á svæðinu Podgorica County voru mjög hrifin af dvölinni á Lake Skadar Paradise, Casa Ra og House of peace.

    Þessi gistiheimili á svæðinu Podgorica County fá að sama skapi háa einkunn hjá pörum: Eko Apartmani Krackovic, IPN APARTMENTs og Kapetanovo Jezero Bungalov.

  • Flestir gististaðir af þessari tegund (gistiheimili) á bjóða upp á ókeypis afpöntun.

  • Balabani Local Stay, Lake Skadar Paradise og Villa Natalija hafa fengið frábærar umsagnir frá gestum á svæðinu Podgorica County hvað varðar útsýnið á þessum gistiheimilum

    Gestir sem gista á svæðinu Podgorica County láta einnig vel af útsýninu á þessum gistiheimilum: Casa Ra, Kapetanovo Jezero Bungalov og House of peace.

  • Meðalverð á nótt á gistiheimilum á svæðinu Podgorica County um helgina er 6.772 kr. miðað við núverandi verð á

  • Margar fjölskyldur sem gistu á svæðinu Podgorica County voru ánægðar með dvölina á Lake Skadar Paradise, Kapetanovo Jezero Bungalov og HeArt of Old Town Guesthouse.

    Einnig eru IPN APARTMENTs, House of peace og Balabani Local Stay vinsæl meðal fjölskyldna á ferðalagi.

  • Það er hægt að bóka 21 gistiheimili á svæðinu Podgorica County á

  • Hjá okkur er auðvelt og fljótlegt að bóka gistiheimili á svæðinu Podgorica County. Þetta bjóðum við upp á:

    • Ókeypis afpöntun á flestri gistingu
    • Við jöfnum verðið
    • aðstoð allan sólarhringinn á yfir 40 tungumálum