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Burj Calapan asub Calapanis. Korterhotellis on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta parkla. Külalised saavad nautida mäevaateid. Kõikides korterhotelli tubades on kirjutuslaud. Very Clean and comfortable place to stay
Puerto Galera
Mäevaatega Sandstorm Lodge and Cafe asub Puerto Galeras. Kohapeal on restoran, toateenindus, baar, aed, päikeseterrass ja grillimisvõimalus. Clean and Simple yet comfortable stay.
Puerto Galera
Merevaate, aia ja grillimisvõimalusega Jalyn's Resort Sabang asub Sabangi rannast umbes 1,3 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on vaatega bassein. The ambiance. Food. Location. Night swimming at the pool under the moonlight and relaxing sound. They have parking which is best for tourist and travellers with car. Especially to avoid the congested sabang puerto galera at the center nearby beach. Very accesible. The services and amenities they offer at their given rate are the best that i have seen in Puerto Galera so far.
Puerto Galera
Merevaatega majutusasutus The Blue Pagong asub Sabangi rannast umbes 200 meetri kaugusel. Majutusruumidel on rõdu. Korterhotellil on privaatne sissepääs. EVERYTHING - #1: Ms. Irene (staff), her service was very helpful and cleaned our room & changed towels/bed sheets daily. We didn’t expect this at all for the price we paid. AMAZING! She even washed our dishes when left behind due to being late for our Dive departure. This is beyond the call of duty! Ground floor was perfect for us as it avoids carrying all our dive gear upstairs. The whole building is away from the main promenade along the water’s edge and so SILENT, VERY QUIET & PEACEFUL. The apartment is large, with a living room sofa having a foldout bed for 2 people. Bedroom has a queen size bed, amazing! Kitchen has a little table w/ 2 chairs. I am a chef, let me tell you GAS COOKTOP is everything for perfection heat. Utensils & dishes plentiful & Lovely! Has a front porch with 2 chairs and table. There is a rail to hand wetsuits etc. where the morning sun dried everything. We stayed for 8 nights and always looked forward to arriving to the apartment and having a shower (hot if u want) and eat and sleep peacefully. We are a couple with a 12yrs child. We are all happy living here and the PRICE is the best for what we got.
Aloha 1&2 asub Sabangis, 100 meetri kaugusel Sabangi rannast. Kohapeal on hooajaline välibassein, tasuta WiFi-ühendus, ühine köök ja toateenindus. Sellel apartemendil on aed, terrass ja restoran. near sabang beach but still very quiet
Puerto Galera
Aia, tasuta privaatse parkimise ja terrassiga Phuenics de galera asub Puerto Galeras, 2 km kaugusel Dulangani rannast. I like everything about this property which exceeded not only my expectation but my whole family's approval attests to that. Its location was quite far from the center but with keen transport arrangement it will suffice guests' comfort plus the owner's anticipation of their customers' needs offering us options available. Both rooms were ready upon arrival with a warm welcoming and attention. Foods were prepared in family style combined with music making you feel entirely dining in a five star hotel's restaurant of soothing jazz music. It was perfect staying there on weekdays since only our group can maximize the use of the dining area in the morning and at night. The beach is just a cross the road giving a seaview if you are lucky enough to book the family room with the terrace.
Caleb-1BRHall-Backpackers Choice asub Calapanis. Apartemendis on 1 eraldi magamistuba, 1 vannituba ja istumisnurk. Apartemendis on ka rätikud ja voodipesu. Privaatsust lisavad privaatne sissepääs.
Puerto Galera
Kaye En Em Apartelle asub Puerto Galeras, 60 meetri kaugusel Big La Laguna rannast. Kohapeal on rannaäärne majutusasutus, kus on erarand, aed ja terrass. Phil is a very nice person with his friendly dog and cat. Simple room with everything needed. It was an enjoyable and hospitable stay.
Calapan Transient Molave L48 asub Calapanis. Kohapeal on aastaringselt avatud välibassein, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Majutusasutusest avaneb vaade mägedele.
Calapan Transient Molave L47 asub Mindoro piirkonnas Calapanis. Kohapeal on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Mäevaatega majutusasutusel on bassein.
Apartement sihtkohas Puerto Galera
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad apartemente saarel Mindoro
Apartement sihtkohas Puerto Galera
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad apartemente saarel Mindoro
Apartement sihtkohas Calapan
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad apartemente saarel Mindoro
Apartement sihtkohas Calapan
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad apartemente saarel Mindoro
Apartement sihtkohas Sablayan
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad apartemente saarel Mindoro
Apartement sihtkohas Calapan
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad apartemente saarel Mindoro
Saarel Mindoro reisinud paaridele on meeldinud peatuda majutusasutustes Aloha 1&2, Burj Calapan ja The Blue Pagong.
Samuti on ka neid apartemente saarel Mindoro paarid kõrgelt hinnanud: Sandstorm Lodge and Cafe, Jalyn's Resort Sabang ja Phuenics de galera.
Saarel Mindoro saad broneerida 28 apartementi.
Paljudele saart Mindoro külastanud peredele on meeldinud peatuda majutusasutustes Phuenics de galera, The Blue Pagong ja Sandstorm Lodge and Cafe.
Samuti on perega reisijate seas populaarsed majutusasutused Jalyn's Resort Sabang, Burj Calapan ja Aloha 1&2.
Keskmiselt maksab apartement üheks ööks saarel Mindoro selleks nädalavahetuseks € 28,16 (põhineb praegustel hindadel).
Enamik apartemente pakub tasuta tühistamist.
Aloha 1&2, The Blue Pagong ja Sandstorm Lodge and Cafe saarel Mindoro on saanud külastajatelt häid arvustusi seoses vaadetega apartementidest.
Muudame saarel Mindoro apartemendi broneerimise kiireks ja lihtsaks, pakkudes järgmist.
• Tasuta tühistamine enamikule peatumistele
• Hindade vastavusse viimise garantii
• Ööpäevaringne klienditugi enam kui 40 keeles
Burj Calapan, Sandstorm Lodge and Cafe ja The Blue Pagong on mõned populaarsed apartemendid saarel Mindoro.
Lisaks neile on ka Jalyn's Resort Sabang, Phuenics de galera ja Aloha 1&2 saarel Mindoro populaarsed apartemendid.