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Terrassiga Chateau Bor La Mer asub Soufrière'is. Kogu majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Majutusruumides on istumisnurk, konditsioneer ja lameekraaniga televiisor. A very beautiful, modern and clean apartment with everything you need. Situated only a few minutes walk from the beach and with a lovely view of the smaller of the Pitons. Sylvia (as well as the host) was very welcoming and accommodating ! We thoroughly enjoyed our stay!
Basseinivaate ja terrassiga Apartment Espoir asub Trouya rannast umbes 1,6 km kaugusel. Korterhotellil on privaatne sissepääs. The host is excellent, he made all was in great order for us.
Bayside Villa Saint Lucia võlub oma külalisi eriti suurte aedadega, mille terrassidel saab nautida päikest ja lahevaateid. La Toc Bay rand jääb vaid 10-minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusele. The apartment was very clean and well maintained. John the host was most accommodating and ensured safe pick up and drop off to and from airport. I booked the studio for my parents for 9 days and upon arrival they were treated to the 1 bedroom. John made sure they were well settled even though they got to the island almost midnight. He gave his word to me upon booking my parents will be taken care off and that he indeed did. They had everything you can think about in the kitchen and all appliances and electronics works well. Apart from the apartment itself they were very astonished by the amazing view and enjoyed looking at the cruise ships docking. I will definitely recommend.
Rodney Bay Village
Aiaga The Harbour asub Rodney Bay külas. Le Diamant jääb 46 km kaugusele. Kogu majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Kõikides terrassiga majutusruumides on istumis- ja einestamisnurk. Size. Location. Pool. View . comfort.
Rodney Bay Village
Cleopatra Villas - Rodney Heights asub Rodney Bay külas. Majutusruumides on tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja köök. Kohapeal on tasuta eraparkla. The location was one block from Rodney Bay walking distance
Harbor View Inn asub väljaspool Castriesi kesklinna. Kariibi mere piirkond on vaid 500 meetri kaugusel ning pakub külalistele avaraid apartemente, kus on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. James is such a great person, very helpful and gracious - He really made my stay, so professional! the view is great and if you're coming from the ferry at night, it's probably the closest option. When you book ask James to book you a taxi to pick you up, especially if you're arriving late.
Gros Islet
See külalistemaja asub mäe otsas, kust avaneb vaade Rodney lahele ja Atlandi ookeanile. Kõikidest apartementidest avaneb vaade lopsakale troopilisele aiale või Kariibi merele. the view is spectacular, I loved waking up in the morning and seeing that view! the house skipper was very nice, polite and always available! I recommend it to those who like comfort
Teenindusega apartement sihtkohas Castries
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad teenindusega apartemente regioonis Castries
Teenindusega apartement sihtkohas Rodney Bay Village
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad teenindusega apartemente regioonis Castries
Teenindusega apartement sihtkohas Soufrière
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad teenindusega apartemente regioonis Castries
Teenindusega apartement sihtkohas Castries
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad teenindusega apartemente regioonis Castries
Teenindusega apartement sihtkohas Rodney Bay Village
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad teenindusega apartemente regioonis Castries
Teenindusega apartement sihtkohas Castries
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad teenindusega apartemente regioonis Castries