Private Guided Cultural Day Tour of Zulu Village & PheZulu Safari Park

Hiển thị tất cả 6 hình ảnh

Zulu cultural village is a living monument to Zulu culture and captures the essence of this great nation’s lifestyle, social systems, and rich cultural heritage. This tour provides you with a glimpse of daily village life and unique cultural experiences of the Zulu people. and The Zulu culture has been hailed as one of the best Zulu experiences on the continent. Visitors are invited to attend and even participate in a traditional ceremony, display of Tribal dancing while learning more about the customs of these fascinating folks.

We will travel along a scenic route to the valley of a thousand hills and you will be guided through the Crocodile farm where you will see one of the largest crocodiles in Kwa Zulu Natal, and a full range of snakes which are indigenous to the area.

Bao gồm

  • Private transportation
  • Hotel pick up & drop off
  • Phezulu Safari Park Entrance Fees
  • Professional Local Guide Services

Không bao gồm những gì?

    Không bao gồm
    • Lunch

    Ngôn ngữ của hướng dẫn viên

    English (UK)

    Thông tin thêm

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    Not wheelchair accessible

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    Lưu ý rằng nhà cung cấp có thể hủy vì những lý do không biết trước.

    Bạn cần phải từ 18 tuổi trở lên để đặt chỗ.

    Điều hành bởi Opatrip South Africa

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