Drakensberg World Heritage Tour

Hiển thị tất cả 5 hình ảnh

The Drakensberg Mountain range has an undulating, dominating beauty.

This full-day sightseeing heritage tour goes through the Drakensberg mountain range, a full 3-kilometer round trip hike, but in addition to traveling through such breathtaking vistas, we’re going to visit the World Heritage Site, Giant’s Castle, and the enigmatic Bushman paintings in the vicinity. The Bushman cave paintings are almost as old as humanity itself. They date back 2,000 years and are a fascinating look into the history and culture of the Bushmen or San people of South Africa.

Our return to Durban is via a visit to the Nelson Mandela Capture Site – a historically significant moment in South African history and now commemorated with a world-class sculpture, in memory of Nelson Mandela and his heroic role in the struggle against apartheid.

*Visit the World Heritage Site of Giant's Castle

*Enjoy a guided tour of Bushman paintings

*Visit the Nelson Mandela Capture Site

Bao gồm

  • Private transportation
  • Hotel pick up & drop off
  • Professional Local Guide Services
  • Entrance Fee

Không bao gồm những gì?

    Không bao gồm
    • Lunch

    Ngôn ngữ của hướng dẫn viên

    English (UK)

    Thông tin thêm

    Not recommended for pregnant travelers

    Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

    Not wheelchair accessible

    Vui lòng mang theo vé đến điểm tham quan.

    Lưu ý rằng nhà cung cấp có thể hủy vì những lý do không biết trước.

    Bạn cần phải từ 18 tuổi trở lên để đặt chỗ.

    Điều hành bởi Opatrip South Africa

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