Phong Nha and Paradise Cave

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Phong Nha Cave has been regarded by British Cave Research Association as the top cave in the world due to its 4 top records: the longest underground river, the highest and longest cave, broadest and most beautiful fine sand beaches inside the caves, the most spectacular stalagmites and stalactites. Once you reach at the entrance of cave, you will feel like you are entering in the mouth of mountain.

Paradise Cave is one of the most famous cave in Viet Nam. It has 31.4km length, with many beautiful stalacties and stalacmites. British Caving Association has been evalucated as the most beautiful and longest dry cave in Asia. It has been creating continuously by the nature over 350 million years. It was ranked at international level in terms of science and high aesthetics. It is waiting you to discover and enjoy.

Zahrnuto v ceně

  • All entrance fee, transfer, lunch, English speaking tour guide.

Co není zahrnuto v ceně

    Cena nezahrnuje
    • Personal expense
    • All entrance fee and activities
    • Beverage

    Dodatečné informace

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    Please update us your hotel you stay in Phong Nha or Dong Hoi so our guide can come and pick you up.

    Not wheelchair accessible

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    Mějte na paměti, že provozovatelé mohou konání zrušit z důvodu nepředvídaných okolností.

    Turistickou atrakci smí rezervovat pouze osoby ve věku 18 let a starší. Zúčastnit se mohou i mladší osoby, ale pouze v doprovodu dospělého.

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