Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood

A behind-the-scenes tour at one of the most famous film studios in Hollywood

4,6 · Fabulós(327 valoracions)
Mostra les 49 fotos
Cancel·lació gratis disponible
Durada: 3 hores

On this guided tour, you'll get to explore Warner Bros. Studios – one of the oldest film studios in the world. You'll discover the backlots and soundstages used in some of the most famous Hollywood blockbusters and TV shows, along with costumes and props.

Highlights include a chance to visit iconic sets from 'Friends' such as Central Perk and Joey and Chandler's apartment. There's also the opportunity to step into recreated sets from the DC Universe and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.


  • Visitors must be at least 5 years old.
  • Children under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the activity starts.

Idiomes que parla el guia

English (UK)

Informació addicional

Porta el tiquet a l'atracció turística.

Tingues en compte que l'operador podria cancel·lar l'activitat per motius imprevistos.

Has de tenir 18 anys o més per reservar. Si no, t'ha d'acompanyar un adult.

Gestionat per Klook


Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood
Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood Los Angeles, 3400 Warner Blvd, Burbank, Los Angeles, CA

Valoracions dels clients

4,6 · Fabulós(327 valoracions)
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