Cleveland City Scavenger Hunt Tour

A digital quest to explore the city in a unique way

Rodyti visas nuotraukas (17)
Galimas nemokamas atšaukimas

During this digital scavenger hunt, you'll explore Cleveland in a fun way using your mobile phone. You'll complete a list of challenges by taking photos around the city and collecting points for the tasks you do. Throughout the tour, you'll be able to compare your score to teams across the country in the rankings and you'll have a remote host ready to answer your questions at any time.


  • Two hours with a remote interactive guide
  • All activities

Kas neįskaičiuota?

    • Use of smartphone
    • Private transportation

    Patogumai neįgaliesiems

    • Accessible to pushchairs/prams
    • Service animals welcome
    • Public transport links nearby

    Sveikata ir saugumas

    • Suitable for all fitness levels

    Kalbos, kuriomis gali bendrauti gidas (-ė)

    English (US)

    Papildoma informacija

    This is a digital scavenger hunt played using an app on your phone. The game is played outdoors in public spaces.

    Nepamirškite atsinešti bilieto.

    Turėkite omenyje, kad teikėjai gali atšaukti veiklą dėl nenumatytų priežasčių.

    Užsakyti gali asmenys nuo 18 m. amžiaus. Jaunesnius asmenis turi lydėti suaugusysis.

    Paslaugą teikia 3Quest Challenge


    Išvykimo vieta
    Lakeside Ave E 601, Downtown, Cleveland, OH, 44101
    You'll receive a message before your game with instructions on how to start.
    Maršruto pabaiga
    Lakeside Ave E 601, Downtown, Cleveland, OH, 44101

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