Saint Paul Gangster Tour

A two-hour bus tour to learn more about the infamous history of Saint Paul

4,7 · Einstakt(16 umsagnir)
Sýna allar myndir (10)

On this tour, you will be able to learn why Saint Paul was a hub of criminal activities and bootlegging operations in the 1930s. Once you arrive at the meeting point, you will hop on a bus and meet your tour guide. As the journey begins, you will learn more about the history of Saint Paul and see the places frequented by gangsters. Starting from the historic Castle Royal Gangsters Nightclub, you will see the St. Paul Hotel, the Cathedral Hill, the Bremer kidnapping site, the site of the Dillinger's gun battle, the payroll robbery site and more.

Þetta er innifalið

  • Transportation in an air-conditioned vehicle


  • Accessible to pushchairs/prams
  • Service animals welcome
  • Public transport links nearby

Heilsa og öryggi

  • Suitable for all fitness levels


  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the activity starts.

Tungumál leiðsögumanns

English (US)


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Þú þarft að vera 18 ára eða eldri til að bóka eða vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.

Rekið af St. Paul Gangster Tour



Wabasha St S 215, West Side, St Paul, MN, 55107
Please make your way to the listed address and look for the 'Open' sign. Please note that limited free parking is available on site.
Wabasha St S 215, West Side, St Paul, MN, 55107

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