Requiem for Salem Adults-only Walking Ghost Tour

A walking tour through the city’s infamous and spooky history

4,4 · Skvelé(9 hodnotení)
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Trvanie: 1 h 30 min

This adults-only tour will take you on a walk through Salem to explore the city’s infamous history.

You’ll learn about the 17th-century witch trials and possibly encounter the restless spirits of the area. You’ll walk through the former Red Light District and visit locations that some consider to be haunted.

Some of the sites you’ll explore will include the Old Burying Point Cemetery, the Derby Wharfs and the Wicked Good Books Building.

Dôvody na návštevu

  • Discovery of the witches and spirits of haunted Salem
  • Opportunity to learn about the Wicked Good Books building
  • Exploration of sights such as Old Burying Point Cemetery

Čo je zahrnuté v cene

  • Fun and spooky evening
  • Walking tour
  • Guide services

Čo nie je zahrnuté?

    Cena nezahŕňa
    • Tips


    • Comfortable footwear is recommended.

    Sprievodca hovorí týmito jazykmi

    English (UK)

    Dodatočné informácie

    This tour runs in all weather conditions. Please dress accordingly and wear comfortable footwear.

    The minimum age for participating in this tour is 16 years.

    Na návštevu atrakcie si so sebou prineste lístok.

    Upozorňujeme, že prevádzkovatelia môžu konanie zrušiť z dôvodu nepredvídaných okolností.

    Rezerváciu si môžete vytvoriť, len ak ste už dosiahli vek 18 rokov. Mladšie osoby môžu atrakciu využiť len v sprievode dospelého.

    Prevádzkované spoločnosťou Ghost City Tours Holding, LLC


    Miesto odchodu
    51 Charter Street, Salem, MA
    Please meet your Requiem for Salem Ghost Tour guide at 51 Charter Street in front of the Old Burying Point Cemetery/Charter Street Cemetery. This is the side near the Peabody Essex Museum.

    Hodnotenia návštevníkov

    4,4 · Skvelé(9 hodnotení)
    Celkový zážitok
    Kvalita služieb

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