Rhythms of Life Yoga Class

A 2-hour holistic yoga session in Ukraine

Ilmainen peruutus saatavilla

You will have a chance to experience the best of what the human body can offer at Rhythms of Life, a haven for the mind, body and spirit. You can attend lectures, seminars or workshops organised by the centre. You can also participate in the centre's regular yoga, dance, vocal or communication classes. If you're interested in taking your lessons one step further, you may also enroll in the centre's School of Psychology or Ayurvedic Dietetics.


  • Private yoga class


  • Service animals welcome
  • Public transport links nearby

Terveys ja turvallisuus

  • Requires a moderate level of physical fitness

Oppaan puhumat kielet

English (UK)


Ota lippusi mukaan nähtävyyteen.

Huomaa, että järjestävä taho voi perua palvelun ennalta arvaamattomien syiden vuoksi.

Varauksen tehdäksesi sinun on oltava vähintään 18-vuotias tai aikuisen seurassa.

Palvelun tarjoaa Центр Ритмы Жизни


Yaroslavskaya st. 56a, Kyiv, 02000
Yaroslavskaya st. 56a, Kyiv, 02000

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