Private Viking Boat Tour from Kemer

A day visiting scenic bays around Kemer

4 · Molt bé(21 valoracions)
Mostra les 11 fotos
Cancel·lació gratis disponible

In this tour, you’ll board a Viking-style boat and visit the bays around Kemer.

You’ll start your day with hotel pickup and ride to the dock where you’ll board your ship. You’ll then head down Turkey’s coastline to visit scenic spots including Pirate’s Cave, Cleopatra’s Bay and Paradise Bay. On your voyage, you’ll have lots of photo opportunities as well as the chance to hop in and go for a swim. You’ll also have the option to visit the ruins of Phaselis which date to the seventh century BCE.

In addition to your voyage, you’ll have lunch on the boat.

Què inclou?

  • Hotel pickup and drop-off
  • Lunch

Què no inclou?

    Què no inclou?
    • Admission fees to Phaselis
    • Drinks
    • Souvenir photos (available to purchase)


    • Transport is wheelchair accessible
    • Wheelchair accessible
    • Surfaces are wheelchair accessible
    • Accessible to pushchairs/prams

    Salut i seguretat

    • Suitable for all fitness levels

    Idiomes que parla el guia

    English (UK)

    Informació addicional

    Please note that the tour price does not include admission to Phaselis. Admission tickets will have to be purchased separately.

    The tour ends at approximately 15:00, then you will be dropped off back at the hotel.

    Porta el tiquet a l'atracció turística.

    Tingues en compte que l'operador podria cancel·lar l'activitat per motius imprevistos.

    Has de tenir 18 anys o més per reservar. Si no, t'ha d'acompanyar un adult.

    Gestionat per Tourmania


    Punt de recollida
    Please note that hotel pickup is available. Please provide your pickup details upon checkout.

    Valoracions dels clients

    4 · Molt bé(21 valoracions)
    Experiència general
    Qualitat del servei
    Facilitat d'accés

    El que ha agradat més als clients

    Preguntes freqüents

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    Tiquets i preus