Private City Walking Tour

Relaxed walking tour discovering the best sights of the city and hearing fun facts

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Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Durasi: 2 jam

On this private, two-hour tour, you'll head off on a walking route through the centre of Uppsala. Your friendly local guide will lead you at a leisurely pace, taking you past the city's most significant cultural and architectural highlights and a few hidden hotspots.

You'll learn more about one of Sweden's oldest cities, including how it came to be renowned for its leading position in the fields of biotechnology and medical research.

Alasan berkunjung

  • Visit a combination of must-see landmarks and beloved hidden gems
  • Hear about Uppsala's medical research and biotechnology accolades

Sudah termasuk

  • Private guide services

Apa yang tidak termasuk

    Tidak termasuk
    • Food and drinks


    • Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the activity starts.
    • Comfortable footwear is recommended.

    Bahasa yang digunakan oleh pemandu

    English (UK)

    Informasi tambahan

    This tour runs in all weather conditions. Please dress accordingly.

    The price is set for groups of up to ten participants.

    Harap bawa tiket Anda ke atraksi wisata.

    Perhatikan bahwa operator dapat membatalkan karena alasan tak terduga.

    Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas untuk memesan.

    Dioperasikan oleh


    Titik keberangkatan
    S:t Eriks torg 10, Uppsala, 753 10
    Meet your guide at the gate of Upplands Museum.

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