Half-Day Gramma Wine Tasting Tour in Iasi

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A tourist experience in Iasi would not be complete without getting to know the famous wines of the hills that surround the city. Only 8 km from the center of Iasi is Gramma Winery , an urban vineyard, as the hosts themselves recommend, waiting for you to cross its step.

Here you will get to know the local wine by participating in a wine tasting session, after which you will be invited by your local guide to a panoramic tour through the center of Iasi, seeing the most important attractions of the city.

Kas ir iekļauts

  • Tasting wine session
  • 1 bottled water
  • Air-conditioned vehicle

Kas nav iekļauts

    Kas nav iekļauts
    • Lunch


    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    The tour guide will wait in the hotel reception with a board sign winetastic.

    Not wheelchair accessible

    Lūdzu, neaizmirstiet uz aktivitāti paņemt līdzi savu biļeti.

    Ņemiet vērā, ka aktivitātes nodrošinātāji var atcelt aktivitātes neparedzētu iemeslu dēļ.

    Lai rezervētu, jums jābūt vismaz 18 gadus vecam.

    Nodrošina Winetastic

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