Sibiu Villages Food Tour

A guided tour to discover the local specialities of villages in the Sibiu area

Hiển thị tất cả 9 hình ảnh
Có lựa chọn hủy miễn phí
Thời gian: 5 giờ

During this five-hour food tour in the surroundings of Sibiu, you’ll have the opportunity to visit a few villages and try some of their local specialities such as honey, wine, cheese and meat.

Your first stop will be in Cisnădie and Cisnădioara, where you’ll get to learn more about their Saxon origins while visiting the fortified Romanesque basilica, featuring panoramic views from its hilltop location. You’ll then proceed towards Rășinari, a traditional shepherds’ village renowned for its cheese production.

The following tasting will take place in Sibiel, also home to a beautiful museum of hand-painted glass icons. Finally, you’ll reach Cristian, mostly inhabited by the so-called ‘Transylvanian Landlers’ who will welcome you into their fortified buildings —traditionally used for food storage— for one final tasting.

Vì sao nên đến đây?

  • Five-hour food tour in the area around Sibiu
  • Chance to learn about the villages' origins and cultural heritage
  • Tastings of local products, including honey, wine, cheese and meat

Bao gồm

  • Transportation
  • Guide services in English
  • Tastings

Không bao gồm những gì?

    Không bao gồm
    • Admission to sites
    • Photography fees
    • Tips

    Ngôn ngữ của hướng dẫn viên

    English (UK)

    Thông tin thêm

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    Bạn phải đủ 18 tuổi trở lên mới có thể đặt vé, hoặc phải đi cùng người lớn.

    Điều hành bởi Carpathian Travel Center

    Vị trí

    Điểm tập trung
    Piața Mare 12, Sibiu, 557260
    Meet your guide at the Carpathian Travel Center office.

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