Discover Torun: A Walking Adventure

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Discover Torun: A Walking Adventure takes you on a journey through the heart of one of Poland’s most enchanting cities. With a knowledgeable guide leading the way, you’ll explore some of Torun’s hidden gems and discover its rich history and cultural heritage. The tour begins at the Regional Museum in Torun, where you’ll learn about the city’s fascinating past. From there, you’ll visit the Old Town Hall, an impressive building that serves as a symbol of Torun’s rich history. The tour continues with a visit to the House of Nicolaus Copernicus, the birthplace of the famous astronomer, and the Leaning Tower, an iconic landmark in Torun. You’ll also visit Muzeum Piernika, a museum dedicated to the city’s gingerbread-making tradition, before ending at the Teutonic Castle ruins, a beautiful and historic site that offers stunning views of the city. Join us on this guided walking tour and immerse yourself in the charming and unique city of Torun.


  • Local Professional Guide

Kas neįskaičiuota?

    • Regional Museum in Torun - Old Town Hall Admission fee 5 USD
    • House of Nicolaus Copernicus Admission fee 3 USD
    • The Leaning Tower in Toruń Admission fee 3 USD
    • Muzeum Piernika Admission fee 6.5 USD
    • Teutonic Castle Ruins Admission fee 3 USD

    Papildoma informacija

    Public transportation options are available nearby

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    Not wheelchair accessible

    Nepamirškite atsinešti bilieto.

    Turėkite omenyje, kad teikėjai gali atšaukti veiklą dėl nenumatytų priežasčių.

    Užsakyti gali asmenys nuo 18 m. amžiaus. Jaunesnius asmenis turi lydėti suaugusysis.

    Paslaugą teikia Poland

    Maršruto informacija


    Išvykimo vieta
    Regional Museum in Torun - Old Town Hall, Rynek Staromiejski 1, Stare Miasto, Toruń, 87-100
    Regional Museum in Torun - Old Town Hall Toruń, Poland
    Maršruto pabaiga
    Teutonic Castle ruins, Przedzamcze 3, Stare Miasto, Toruń, 87-100

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