Vistula River Sunset Cruise with Prosecco

A pleasant river cruise during sunset with views of Warsaw's landmarks

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Тривалість: 55 хв.

With this ticket, you'll board the Galar Wiślany, a wooden ship with an open and closed deck. Setting sail at the iconic Warsaw Mermaid Monument, the cruise will take you on a serene journey along the Vistula at sunset. You'll get to enjoy the cool breeze and take in the views of vibrant boulevards and landmarks like the Copernicus Science Centre, Museum of Contemporary Art.

You'll cruise under three bridges and head to the Old Town. As you sail along the gentle waters, you'll also get to take in the views of the National Stadium and the Poniatówka Beach. The cruise will take steer towards a secluded island in the heart of the city, where you can admire the sunset.

Чому варто відвідати

  • Relaxing cruise along the Vistula River during sunset
  • Views of major landmarks from a different perspective
  • Chance to relax on the deck and have some Prosecco
  • Stop at a secluded island in the city for sunset views

Що включено

  • Cruise
  • Protective gear
  • Welcome drink


  • Прибудьте принаймні за 5 хв. до початку заходу.

Додаткова інформація

Будь ласка, візьміть із собою квиток на варіант дозвілля.

Зверніть увагу, що організатор може скасувати захід із непередбачених причин.

Щоб забронювати, вам повинно бути 18 років або більше.

Мінімальна кількість учасників на одне бронювання – 2.

Організатор OK Events Kasper Orkisz


Vistula River Sunset Cruise with Prosecco
Warsaw by BOAT, Warsaw

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